16 JULY 1842, Page 9



Sir Robert Peel having gone to Drayton Manor yesterday, to snatch a couple of days' rest, the business in the House of Commons last night assumed a merely routine character. Mr. MLLNER Ginsost postponed a question of which he had given notice respecting the state of the country.

Mr. GLADSTONE introduced a bill to remedy a typographical error in the new Customs-Duties Act ; 1842 being printed for 1843 in the timber-duties schedule. The bill will be made incidentally to serve the purpose of removing the duty which the new Tariffimposed on cement- stone ; and which, although it passed unnoticed at the time, is found to be really injurious.

The House resumed the Committee of Supply, and passed another long string of votes ; the discussion of which possessed little interest. On going into Committee, the CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER stated, in answer to Mr. CHARLES WOOD, that the doubt as to the law whether light sovereigns may be cut was under consideration.

The vote of 30,0001. for education occasioned an explanation from Sir JAMES Gummi, that this grant will not at present be increased ; but if Government determine to propose a grant to the Exeter Hall classes, it will be applied for in a separate form. Sir ROBERT INGLIS, hoping that Government would not suffer themselves to be represented by Lord Wharncliffe, the Liberalism of whose speech in the House of Lords on Thursday he attacked, drew upon himself a sharp rebuke from Sir JAMES GRAHAM; who taxed him with pursuing a course calculated to sow dissension among the members of the Administration while he was objecting to views agreed to in a compromise between the late and the present Administrations and sanctioned by the Bishops. Sir Ro- BERT Isious admitted the justice of the rebuke.

On the vote of 50,0001. for education in Ireland, Lord Exam warmly defended the impugned system of education in that country : and another little dispute arose in an attack by Sergeant JACKSON, the Solicitor-General for Ireland, on the Irish Secretary. The House di- vided on the vote, and it was carried, by 94 to 0!

In the House of Lords, the bill for securing the protection of the Queen's person went through its last stages and was passed ; Lord Bat:maul adding a proviso that nothing in the bill shall be taken to alter the law of high treason ; and Lord CAMPBF.LL, a clause declaring it a high misdemeanour to exhibit or have in possession near the Queen's person any weapon with intent to injure or alarm her. The Commons assented to these amendments.

The Mines and Collieries Bill was committed pro formii, to be re- committed on Tuesday.