16 JULY 1853, Page 10



The buoyancy which the English Funds presented at the close of last week has been succeeded by depression and much gloom. Sales of Stock have been rather freely efrected ; arising chiefly from a feeling that the Emperor of Russia would nat be willing to accept the mediation of the Allied Powers, unless for gaining time which it is believed would not be sanctioned. The Funds declined I on Tuesday ; Consols then closed at 97/ 8. On Wednes- day, they were f lower. Yesterday, much weakness was exhibited during the morning ; Consols were done as low as 97f, returning subsequently to

97f /. The telegraphic communication of that morning alluded to the sus- pension of transactions on the Paris Exchange, the speoulators waiting the result of the negotiations with the Court of Russia. It was also stated "that the Powers will not make a casua belli of the Russian invasion of the Principalities." A loan of 45,000,000 has been raised by the Porte, and another of 60,000,000 is in course of negotiation. The shipment of gold to France continues, also to many parts of Germany ; a demand for specie having arisen, partly, it is supposed, for the requirements of the Russian army. Today the Funds opened f better, and Consols advanced to 98 / ;.• the telegraphic account from Paris containing a report that Austria had joined England and France with the view of settling the Oriental question : this rumour produced about 1 per cent rise in the French Funds. Consols have since declined to yesterday's price, closing at 971 /. Exchequer Bills con- tinue heavy ; they are today 2 discount to 2 premium. The flatness is the more singular ai money is in abundance. India Stock is 1 and Bank Stock f lower this week.

The Foreign Market has been quiet, and the business generally unimport- ant. An improvement has taken place in the following Stocks—Chilian, and Danish Five per Cents, 1; Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cents, Sar- dinian, and Swedish Loan, f. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents are f, and Mexican f lower. Arrangements are likely to be made by the Committee of Portuguese Bondholders for issuing certificates representing the 25 per cent illegally confiscated by that Government from the five dividends last paid ; and it IS supposed these will be quoted on our market on the principle of the Spanish Committee Certificates. In the Railway Market, prices were maintained until Wednesday, when signs of weakness were manifested, with a decline of 58. to 108. in several cases. The operations were chiefly in connexion with the settlement of the Account, which took place yesterday, and led to no recovery. At the close, the difference in some of the leading lines compared with last Saturday's was to the following extent. Increase—Lancaster and Carlisle 2/. ; Newmarket, 1/.; East Lancashire, 108.; South-eastern, and Lancash& and Yorkshire, 5s. Decrease—Shrewsbury and Birmingham, 21.; Norfolk, and York and North Midland, 11.; Midland, 15s.; Chester and Holyhead, North British, Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 10s. ; Caledonian, Great Western, and London and North-western, Os. In Foreign Shares the decline has been—Grand Junction of France, and Western of France, 10s.; Northern of France, 7s. 6d.; Sambre and Meuse, 58.; Paris and Lyons and Paris and Strasbourg, 2s. 64 Today Shares are rather stronger. Midland has improved 10s. ; Great Western- London and North-western, 58. French. descriptions are also a little hgher. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. In the English Market the Funds opened it higher this morning, lint have since returned to the quotations of yesterday : Consols being 971 f for Money and Account. In the Foreign Market, 'Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents are I better : they are now 100 1. Spanish Three per Cents and De- ferred are also a shade higher. Railways have not altered; the market is, however, rather firm. The bargains recorded have been in the following— Great Western, 89; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 76k; London and North- western, 1141; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 68.

3 per Cent Consols

Ditto for Account 8 per Cent Reduced 34 per Cents

Long Annuities

' 97 1 98 1 1004 1 54 15-16

Danish 3 per Cents

Dutch 24 per Cents ......

Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 3 per Cents Peruvian Scrip 84 6 631 44 96 7 26t 2 1 de. i Bank Stock 228 9 Portuguese 4 per Cents 4004 Exchequer . . .... 2 dm. 2 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 116 18 India Stock 256 9 Ditto 44 pier Cents 100 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents 99 101 Spanish 3 per Cents

Bekian 44 per Cents 96 8 Ditto 'Deferred

Chilian 6 per Cents 104 6 Sardinian 5 per Cents 93 44 Danish 5 per Cents 105 7 Austrian 5 per Cents 96 8