16 JULY 1853, Page 12


Tun great .obstaele to finch an extension of .thefranchieeas is de-

sired by Derithertitia,Reforniers is the danger lest;. :by. each an ex- tension, the :elms which his least property, least knowledge, and

least acquaintance with the management 'of any affair's but the

earning of their own daily .breed, - should, • by their numerical:ma- jority, obtain the , exehisive-tontrol over the -election' of Members of Parliament; and so sway legislation and national notion Of all kinds in their own favour; and in the direction Of :their 'owntsenti- ments.and-wishes.t :There -are,:- We believe, but few.: Englishmen who would not regard this :result As calamitous; few1WhotivOuld of Parliament; and so sway legislation and national notion Of all kinds in their own favour; and in the direction Of :their 'owntsenti- ments.and-wishes.t :There -are,:- We believe, but few.: Englishmen who would not regard this :result As calamitous; few1WhotivOuld nOCsee in. it premonition of a forcible:reaction ; few whewOuld not infinitely prefer -to remain under.the shortcomings and anima- lies of. the present ayetentrather!than eneeitnter the perils of :-:sueh a change. Whatever :might be the speonlatiie opinions of some as to the hest pOssible form., Of society and • goeernment; it would not be easy to meet with an Engliehmatrwho would:desire:to make a tabula rasa of. our past, and 'treat our political arratigeinenteas something to be swept-entirely away in favour of a system. of equal individual rights,inteWhioli the will of the - numerical -Majority would be the ,:eele end: reaistless power in the , state. Net such system; Las been. found um-ong even, primitive ,. tribes.; no. latch system hail-leen= (ankh's.: of . more than: illusory- .,andti transient operate* :whentu,puroxYam, of revolution: has tile& the tabula rasa, or seethed- to make it; t ready for the experiments 'of philoso- phers or practical statesmen. Unless, the*. some, Means can be devised for tidenittingil'the- bard-working lasses of ; this connti to the franchiee Without. ineUrringthe -remotest risk of making them the sole arbiters of our political action, :their 'chance - of-ottainitig the fratiehise: is atilt itsdiiitant as ever. . For who mould not Stand by a System which:his enabled us to. rise to .a, height: of liberty and. prosperity tmecirialled: in . the world's history, rather than share the respe,nsibiltty , of a -:change against which all expeiienee testi- fies and of whidhlthe cultivated understanding can point out be- forehand evil results out Of all Comparison with RS probable bene- fits?.

This difficulty, will remain, insoluble for all who habituate them,- selves to regard politieat fanetions as an:inherent right of the in- dividual, and society as-Made-up of such individuals, -who are, the majority, of , them, , debarred from the :exercise- of their tights :bo- eanse such exeraiee is found dangerous to or incompatible with the

interests and privage s I .that have grown , tap. in , the course: of ages.Men viewiemietyfium:this:point--tand, m spite of the *eneral disclaimer with which such a theory would be met,! it is really the grourid-idee.gmlidli thetas Said and -thought 'among in. about )po- litical -privilegte-and tespecialLyabout this fundamentalione of the franchisenaxintithelp a conflict in. their own.miteds between their sense ofjtsticeitaindividaide, and-their ocinvietioneof -what is re- quirectforithis security Of much. that they value and hold in their hearts as moat precious in our Modern eivilMation.: The diffieitityvae :tithes theandividual•-,With his rights is no ,longer made the startingrpointef one Imaginations and the °entre:of our theories. If .society itself :he-considered :iis the tunt.tliewhole4-of Whit* the individual is merely the fraction, and all the rights iof the ;ins ddual he-seen. to licevitolim fironi .tbe true constitution of sos eiety, -vte :shall, assign to: ;the individual: exaetly.:thciae: .: political funotienti,, andln that. -degree, which the organic-whole:of . which he is a .memberidematidsi , al shall feel, that iii se doing we. have done full justice to the individual, and. have not endangered-. the organisator:thevitaraation of that. e,omplex. _body of .whose: life we are all sharers,:- and in whose health 'and :disease, whose Corer pletenese - or Aexitilationi; we;:inuat,-all-participate.: A person who discusses the. politiearrighta Of individuals limn the standing-point of society, will have no painful conflict: to :Maintain: between hit sense of :what is, texpedient :-andl what is right.: He, will petottive that varione: elements: enter, into the body politic as vital fermis; and, are ineeseettryite its healthy action ; and will consider. that distribution of political, waver . both :right .and. expedient which secures the action ef allthese -elements,: these vital forces, in' the supreme organ,othe government. Of the atate Ne.haVe:senteltiinei ainie.emphatieally insisted, in refereaCe to the oontemplatel'cliange_ in Our electoral constitution,, that the three broadest distinctions itm.ong the forces of Englishesaelety-- the three:elan:I:elate 'which most broadly mark classes amongst ilia-7 are property,:kno.viledge;t:and. nerabers.: tEaoh class,, iedeed, poSS messes all, three . ;441Mo:etas-Ant the significant distinetionef each class is one or othesef ithodthree. It would: perhaps:best-Jamie -uniform . arrangement.) if far Rambeni were substituted physical forces as the luaRtY1.0z,,tifintne the : working. class oeontributea- the communjtyl. at lffilltiotevegr ppm trynmeleoneeive it obvious thalitlie disks iiiblbile till IdiAduals com- posing the nation; and-that- their distinguishing social functions are, to manage and deliitillitiletiptfaieltotkultivate and impart ktiewledge,f4PeodneeeNeealith ii1,40,09PPeciftilliTimi*. #rir Pm-


uAtfesetattet), tsJilt. tke AliyOpipwilpr Aiih,n:stf,:~1194e 'Mtors

nsaylieltegArtlecleassenPiteliMee,n11149APM1144M9r11/Pin '.9.t*Wo AcentSii1S:and. rePrnirentectek)of Asile/IP19131pAttstrin31fiht .fP_,,,, olle.ean- ptitate41 . iiMi 1 Ist,r pm:404494p fq0141 toftt419114114151,440fi Miler in- ilitelsechupou thalAtiaAaitalgialMtthAPPTARPNVOtatakiS,Pt Pas- bihkdolflopamiti iniiitro.:415iii,)llqauMR:PphArcr .311,- iiethnle end the WOO; At ::prg.tvottga .,,ggwit bitliA.) al4uraliftwirrY of its oo- 9pegihng:sleAlgita,t9 SnOrPe91,42,1kPOT, Antict PhsOth,1,t.. ; i .. TarActut1/4 POlientes illayill(1)its,4rprOogtgil ,o timerivri le last two: or, three years ford .gonTilnK 441.:ttin:e417,1.1-PlV , y pos-

sesses, lesinWledge a larger; teld4OPTP tzet, Vi 7,,,,. . flimment pf .1110 .•coppiry ; as, Pni-*O1111* rli If .94'44 PtoPosals

for kiveritig the franchiaegstanderd, bgxe*ftig .,, • ft.q.give a largeX.intin-AnF.e to..tbS-IdaS..%l-,n.??TillM 1111149F, fit Rifn t.foree is the preponderating element. Bothbaye antlicktieq,4 , g that the single , element 9f Nu , rty-hatirlasenoind.n. y kareent .,, ndeed, it is 041y, 48.tg9pnggtie4, FA Prt9PertYtlAtt nitlIPAAPPYledge or la- benr;bes, had,enYthing,AO .9t 'A W fglgptpioak9f, AP41,1740f Par- lint,.' YgitIA•botib*IPT9410..:Pffort,Ve 144AillOtYRBa . , hopeful and ,d 4 . is with' -pp.,,,tilig4t, gitistactien ,,.thei ove,,36,49proft R't noPenn en y, but ion and different . And pro- gentruct a ed pro- a Com- e mem- g in all infe 70 re- fermed by _ ;given. by eiretarnuig- pamphlet

en:an acknowledged, encl

What we intend;rany hfe er 44 would in- deed be but an extension f ,plei't,Ka ta ave. The free-

holders of an electoral, _ mt ,,rm One esai the fund-

holders, tenant-farmere, e,e us• era above . ,e..nty pounds rental,: might for a. ascend; . liseholders below istenty pounds rental a thir, itme nelp the working q1a the fourth would be comp fej, 4911 ,9*Sr„„f4doinit e Pamphlet in principle, one o limy as entitled ,tert q atifIV qii If -PP gitiC4ProPosed is,

• enn, our classes might embrace every, adult , not a pan-

ffgoe,r lamlitalta, blciTI&°1Lti I eePttleti;aii, eehange looks the dangers to.bef,aPpre ended kino 9 •cle against

e franchise

on the lowest elms, der the sesent syelein-r7,w, , secure that each great. elasayes heard in e 3pNq .pt Corn enaffor itself- monl4 l?g,Alf sy 4010r/educe: Bhigh .class q - bers into that it ,leAts *079, 1 , 141 Ten 11114)0Afai#A4:14,4 rather than it

4.99/Jel1 w e41413 eiPal ? 9 On lAat go Antnrged against . ,

in fact, if it, m .. , t A sp,„„ta,.,„, 1 erto really ad,at a r, , !Ism, tReep,It: This would

effect directly Ix - r leaned under hpe

r. riT, , , ft'Pral.egs 9.711 lia,,17:firtlYA'antri 4aaallY, we siigglea Itft..ar: kin:e9 )1p , Fp gp I A are discussed with a practiealit a:VAIN...41mi 4; PlarPlitis_. .oBLeirt` 1" IlLop-aerin c4 eystnns„mn4,1 e de'te .e t.thy, the:TeX/1194, tirttilagen political

.a ;WRY A w

nnky, and 4, e state etprepara nnl, i e public ming 4g/the S that are to be: 1- g ...1 „, , ,-if .pgptfifio_Pii4kiithP,Ien.r4494930, An. -,Yet rn, . . _,.. ,tizintOo:i;BnitA 9nr th 9ITY),4i 048 Telq.ds 4t1s, Pg17.31m4, filge„41,

nnelnatie4A OW old prpP 914temi.tt!le 4444114i**Canomallets

of widely A*99114.-eleNtP ,idi • tssi .- eTen1 P fancanalies thgt-Ake4Pt 4,Tiiiiill'imelk. 0,4 "" 1 fOded, be- pang, they , resulted:in,, sten appr x,tm fir,siangh, to a NEIPOSentntion of -49447-t 9? li, , %pnetace what .W9nA4.-sOPM tOfhe..tike; i .4ohiri 9 .syntent has been

Srnggling,, tbrontk:Wn .4 1:09#1411 a4.y pse1 dean, to

*PPPrfePtlY. nthutn I! .„WJiPP nn n Commons

? ;FOAM& of*if91711ffrgiosP,,,TOPent 400 41194"4 :141inb, ennanAPOOtnektileill4v4S,rieneAlfe4 tt!O- 9944 :14 NYal of :::Tegingi``,41WAI?„ 91'44 th,A-o4g1Pli

-P 'tied OPiiiiP14SerfAli elPFPNI4111) t IZJ4 fPfieiPnal 1%9MA J Otoecif eoll@titneneke,Sei fessione,,.gelsfetfijiense.,11 lAnY'st."40F9i9Pie* q, here, 0 ,Tarklui.,:aeleneN Upwards of --P0e09Rilf 4 ;111411 4s.2g.1. , presentatiyes■. eeternoto,,apte,in :soet -divisiO4.9,11P-OnSbin0i9n)mkon1Rtissi sP4 /Os :TOR) 4iOlootoy,oPnts WrY/3..te;':9, we refer cur. x !ACM For., figt4g, LagAN smgAtled " y 'm-The Educational- , .ranchise," pshsd b#: We are ee des petaii ,fie:/pronoutt 7444 decidea approval :14)44 tbe de 4.04 crw,AifF 9.,Erpp9Oded ; but itts.brOad PAgiliell-,ittsePRI., tA,Vt; faPIF,9*Aation yet made to what is wdnted in its 4t, 4he "Pre' *oral die, ct,-and t all the *TWA: 9.,Orta t:TttchattifliOt4iffer. gig learned: lee* ea-