The only concert of any note during the week was
that of the Phil- harmonic Society-the last of the season, and also the best of the season. Besides two great symphonies of Mozart and Beethoven, there was a pianoforte concerto of Sterndale Bennett played by Miss Arabella God- dard, and a violin concerto of Spohr played by Joachim. There was, moreover, Meyerbeer's overture to Struensee, a powerful and highly dra- matic composition. Several vocal pieces were sung by Miss Louisa Pyne and Signor Belletti ; and 'Weber's Jubilee Overture terminated a splendid entertainment. The room was crowded; and Meyerbeer was present, but remained incognito, the illustrious musician being exces- sively anxious to avoid being an object of attention iu public.