The preparations for the forthcoming "Meeting of the Three Choirs"
at Gloucester are going on favourably. The days of the Festival are not yet announced ; but it is :stated that the list of principal singers already engaged includes the names of Madame Clara Novelle, Miss Dolby, Mrs. Clare Hepworth, Mr. Sims Reeves, Mr. Weiss, Signor Belletti, Mademoiselle Titiens and Signor Giuglini. This is a greater array of vocal talent than has been usual at these meetings; and we may thence infer that the whole arrangements will be on an enlarged scale.
The monument to the memory of Handel, erected in the market place of Halle, has just been inaugurated. It is a colossal statue of the composer in the costume of his time, including the immense periwig we see in all his portraits. On the pedestal is inscribed : "Erected by his friends in Ger- many and England."
Between the 1st of December, 1858, and Whit-Sunday, 1859, six new opmas, by national composers, have been produced in Germany : Diana de &lunge,. by the Duke of Saxe-Coburg; The Barber of Bagdad, by Cornelius ; Anna de Landskron, by Abert; Carlo Rosa, by Scholtz ; and The Forest of Hermsteuit, by Westmayer.
English vocal talent is at present appreciated in Italy. Last week we mentioned Miss Anna Whitty ; and we now learn that a young singer, now at Turin, and of whom the journals of that city speak in terms of the highest praise, is an Englishwoman. She is called Signora Camilli ; but she is Miss Camilla Chipp, the daughter of Mr. Chipp, the eminent per- former on the drum, without whose assistance no English orchestra is re- garded as complete.