The Earl of Carlisle arrived in Dublin on Tuesday ; and on Wednesday the Corporation presented the customary address of congratulation. In. his reply Lord Carlisle referred to the vexed question of the Lord- Lieutenancy. "I retain the conviction under which I left your shores, that it would be most unadvisable to discontinue or tamper with the office which it is now my high honour for the second time to fill. Any efforts that I can make will be used in accordance with this opinion. But I do not apprehend that any de- signs are entertained on the part of those in whose behalf I can speak in a contrary direction. Besides the signal antiquity of the office, which would clearly give to its abolition all the risks of an untried experiment, the cha- racter and weight of authority with which it is invested have a tendency to secure consideration for matters affecting the welfare of Ireland ; and although under a Parliamentary Government all persons holding office below the Crown itself will probably always, in a greater or lees degree, belong to one or other of the parties into which the nation is divided, still the very notion of representing the Crown will be found to go some way in raising a Lord-Lieutenant above the rigid limits of mere party divisions."
Some idea of the effects of the long-continued dry weather in Dublin may be gathered from the fact that the corporation issued early in the week a public notice, stating that the supply of water with which they are served has become deficient even for domestic and manufacturing purposes. The consequence is that the watering of the streets in the southern districts of the metropolis is to be curtailed, and the inhabitants of the most populous and fashionable portion of the city subjected to all the miseries of a perpetual dust storm. Such a deprivation as a short supply of water is a perfect novelty in Dublin.
An Orange riot, originating with the Antrim Artillery stationed at Kin- sale, took place on the 12th July. The soldiers were defeated, and several persons on both sides were injured. These Orange artillerymen were re- moved to Cork forthwith, and other troops brought up to supply their place.