furtign null Colonial.
,fraurr.—The news of the peace first reached the Empress, M. Walewski, it is said, being greatly surprised to hear it was so summarily concluded. The Moniteur was at some pains to assure the people not to think too much of the armistice, and the papers, taking that cue, thought little of it. But our correspondent, who said that peace was as good as made, was correct. The Moniteur explained as follows on Monday-
" We are anxious to explain under what circumstances the suspension of hostilities agreed on by the Emperor of the French and the Emperor of Austria was concluded.
"The three great neutral Powers have exchanged communications with each other, with the purpose of uniting in an offer of their mediation between the belligerents. The first act of this mediation would have tended to procure the conclusion of an armistice ; but, not- withstanding the facilities for rapid correspondence by means of the telegraph, the common understanding that had to be established between the Cabinets would not allow this result to be obtained for several days. The operations of our fleet against Venice were about to begin, -and another conflict between the two armies before Verona might at any moment have taken place. "Under these circumstances the Emperor, ever faithful to the senti- ments of moderation that have always directed his policy, and anxious besides, above everything, to prevent all useless bloodshed, did not hesi- tate to ascertain, in a direct manner, the disposition of the Emperor Francis Joseph, in the belief that, if it agreed with his own, it was a sacred duty on the part of both Sovereigns to suspend immediate hostili- ties that might be deprived of their object by the fact of a mediation. "The Emperor of Austria having manifested similar intentions, Com- missioners were named on both sides, and met to draw up the clauses of the armistice ; it was definitively concluded on the 8th of July, and its duration fixed for five weeks."
On Tuesday the veterans at the Invalides fired 101 guns in honour of a peace which it was hardly known had been signed. Every one inquired of his neighbour, "What was all the noise about? " It was soon known, and it flew about the city like lightning; it has already been flashed to every corner of France that a treaty of peace was actually signed yester- day 'between the Emperor of Austria and the Emperor of the French; and, what is a still greater innovation, and which merits the reprobation of professional diplomatists, the work was done without the knowledge, much less aid, of either Minister or Plenipotentiary. The illuminations in Paris for the peace were more spontaneous and general than for the great battles. There was no mistaking the feeling that the mass of the Parisians arc glad the war is over.
frM111111.—The peace has had an instant effect on the armaments of Germany. The Prussian Gazette says—" That in consequence of the completion of the treaty of peace, orders have been transmitted to the troops on march to halt at the respective places where they may now happen to be."
Prince "Windischgratz was to leave Potsdam on the 14th for Vienna.
•• The Prussian Gazette publishes an article in which the earlier proposals of Prussia and the latest proposal of Austria to the Federal Diet are placed in comparison. The article says, among other things, as follows :—
'• ' Austria intends, by its proposal, to request the Prince Regent to accept the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Federal army. The possessor of the chief power in the States of Prussia can never be personally respon- sible to the Diet.'
"The article concludes thus :--
" ' It is easy to perceive how that a member of the Federal Diet, which is at the same time a belligerent Power, can make a proposal. the acceptance of which would render dubious all unity of action, and force Germany to commence a war, by which it would be ruined. The Federal Diet has to choose between the proposals of Prussia and Austria. It can accept the former ; or by the acceptance of the latter, deprive Germany of all power of action, even also of the power of energetically negotiating for peace. It would also lower the military power of the German States to the organization of the old army of the German empire. The German nation will not doubt for a moment on which side lie the recognition and desire for that which is now above all things needed for the Fatherland.'" "Things are so wretchedly managed," say the Viennese, " that the sub- jects of the Emperor Francis Joseph are always indebted to the Moniteur for the first news of what is passing at the seat of war. 'When a battle is fought we invariably get the first news from Paris ; and now we learn from the same city that the slaughter of our sons and brothers is likely to be dis- continued for a time." The Viennese are not grumblers by nature, but they are greatly offended at the want of consideration displayed by Govern- ment at a moment in which they are making such tremendous sacrifices. The organs of the press expatiate on the loyalty and devotion of the nation ; but the fact is, that the people are so disgusted with the present state of things that they are extremely disaffected, and use language such as was not heard here even in the year 1848.—Times.
The Austrian Correspondence publishes an official account of the battle on the 24th June, according to which the total number of the loss is as follows :—Killed-91 officers, 2261 privates. Wounded-4 generals, 485 officers, and 10,160 privates. Missing-59 officers, 9229 privates. Of those missing are to be deducted nine bodies which have marched back to the different bodies to which they had belonged. The Prussian Gazette says the proposal made on the 4th instant by the Prussian Federal Ambassador to the Federal Diet is, under present cir- cumstances withdrawn by the Government. The necessary orders have already been despatched to Frankfort.
Stalk—Notwithstanding the peace, the Marquis d'Azoglio arrived at Bologna on the 12th. His military powers extend over the four legations of Ferrara, Bologna, Ravenna, and Forli, as far as La Cattolica. A letter from Rome of July 6, in the Correepondance Battier, says that the revo- lution is triumphant throughout Romagna. Every town, from Ferrara to Cattolica, has elected juntas, and pronounced for annexation to Piedmont. Besides Ferrara and Bologna, Canto, Comachio, Lugo, Bagnacavolli, Ravenna, Imola, Forli, Cesena, Bortinora, Corvia, Saint Arcangelo, Savignano, and Rimini, have declared themselves in favour of the move- ment. The junta of Bologna have appointed General Mezzacappa com- mander-in-chief of all the regular troops of Bologna and the united pro- vinces.
The Duchess-Regent of Parma has published a protest directed against the incorporation of Parma with Piedmont. From Naples we hear of bloody revolts of some men of the Swiss Regi- ments. They killed the Colonel of the 4th Regiment and several officers, repaired to the Royal Palace, but were forced back as far as the Champ de Mars, where they were surrounded. The General Commander-in- Chief of the Swiss called upon them to surrender, but they replied by a discharge of firearms, wounding the General and about 20 privates. General Nunziante then gave orders to fire on the mutineers with grape, by which 75 were killed and 233 wounded. It is said that 1800 Swiss soldiers have been discharged.
SlUitifIllttlit.—The Federal Assembly has elected the President of the Swiss Confederation for 1860 in the person of the Federal Councillor M. Frey Herossee. M. Knusel has also been chosen Vice-President. M. Ziegler has been reelected chief of the military general staff.
The Federal Council has resolved upon proposing to the Assemblyre very severe measures by which enlisting officers and men enlisted for foign corps will be punished on an equal footing. The Federal Council has disbanded all troops called in on the outbreak of the war, and has also ordered all the Austrian steamers, together with cannon and other arms taken from Austrian and Sardinian refugees during the war, to be given up. The Federal Council has further abandoned the measures taken against the exportation of arms, ammunition, and horses.
S 8/11.—The Evelyn.= of Madrid states that "in the Calle de Atocha, there resides an English lady who on certain days has protestant worship celebrated, with a certain degree of publicity, in her drawing- room, by a minister of the Anglican Church," and it suggests that it is perhaps that lady and her friends who have circulated the bibles and other pernicious publications" which, it says, have lately appeared in profusion at Madrid. The Esperanza, therefore, calls the attention of the authorities to the proceedings of this lady. The Espana reproduces the paragraph and declares that "the government cannot see with in- difference the attempt made to break religious unity in such a catholic country as Spain."
g Ili ff.—The Calcutta mails to the 3d of June arrived in London on Monday. The correspondent of the Times reports that a decision has been arrived at on the question of the grievances of the European sol- diers enlisted to serve the Company.
" All men who wish to quit the service in the three Presidencies are to receive their dis,tharge and a free passage to Great Britain. It may be days or even weeks before this decision is announced, for business at present moves slowly but this, I am assured, will be the ultimate result. The order affects all the Presidencies, and enables 14,000 men to claim their dis- charge. The larger moiety will, it is expected, remain ; but the depar- tures, especially from the Light Cavalry, will be numerous. It is vain to deny that under this arrangement an Act of Parliament has been set aside by the remonstrances of our own soldiery; but, calamitous as the whole affair may be, there was practically no alternative.'
The Oude rebels have been driven into Nepaul, and the troops put under cover. In Central India skirmishes continue with bodies of rebels. Sonic disturbances were anticipated at Hyderabad, and the Europeans in the Nizam's country have been gradually strengthened.
n a .—Before Sir John Bowring left Hongkong, the people who are adepts at compliments sent a deputation to Sir John. " Twenty-two schoolmasters desired an interview, bearing twenty-two laudatory addresses, after which a procession, accompanied by music, en- tered the vestibule of Government House and presented sundry scrolls, in beautiful writing, conveying the expression of good wishes for his future health and prosperity. A looking-glass was brought forward with this in- seription—cYour government (has been) bright as this mirror.' Next
came a shining Next _ j filled with pure water, to represent the 'pure adminis-
tration of justice.' ext a large porcelain jar, filled with fragrant flowers, bearing an inscription which conveyed the prayers that long life and all its attendant blessings might be the governor's privilege. Sir John addressed the deputation and expressed his delight at the great increase of schools. The deputation, which presented their mementos in the name of the lite- rati and the people,' said they were gratified with what had been done, and assured the governor that after his departure nothing should be wanted on their parts to extend the benefit of instruction through the government schools which are now established in every part of the colony. The native local authorities also presented a beautiful scarlet silk scroll, with an in- scription in large velvet characters, betokening the 'eternal memory of a virtuous administration,' and a flattering address on white silk, bearing the seals of all the Chinese commercial firms in the colony. The addresses and presents were borne on gilded open sedan chairs to the portico of the official residence of the governor."
Sittiff.—The Anglo-Saxon, reported as wrecked, arrived safely at Liverpool on Tuesday, with dates to the 2d July. The ex-American Minister to Spain had published a " card," in which he says that, while the prospect of acquiring Cuba by purchase was in- auspicious, and he had never advocated that proposition in any way com- promising the honour of Spain, he believes that the course recommended by the President will lead to a consummation of that object by an honour- able negotiation. From St. Louis, we hear that a Mr. Wise had, on the 1st July, started
on his first air voyage to sea-board; was favourable, and the balloon took the direction of Lake rie. It passed six miles off Fort Wayne, Cincinnati, at four on the morning of the 2d; and at Tanport, some niiles from Cleveland, was seen nearly to touch water. It rose again, and disappeared in a north-easterly direction.
The wheat harvest was far advanced in several states, and the accounts were generally quite favourable. In Kentucky the crop was described as unprecedentaly large, and the quality exceedingly fine. In Tennessee the crop was large, though in some sections slightly damaged by the fly. In Maryland and Virginia the papers of those states all concur that the crop was excellent. In Maryland and Lower Virginia the harvest was progressing. In Alabama and North Carolina the yield of wheat was remarkably good. In Southern Illinois the papers say harvesting was going on in good earnest, and the yield was very heavy—Bo rust. There is no doubt that in ell the North-Western States the crop will be a fair average. In Ohio about one quarter part of the wheat had been lost by the frost, which came at the most critical period of the plant ; but the planting was so large that an average quantity would be harvested.