16 JULY 1859, Page 8


The Town Council of Edinburgh have appointed the Reverend Dr. Thomas Crawford, minister of the church and parish of St. Andrew's, Edinburgh, to the office of Professor of Divinity in the University of Edinburgh, vacant by the death of the Very Reverend Principal Lee. Several other candidates were in the field, but their claims were not pressed, and the appointment was conferred without a vote. The still vacant office of Principal, the Town Council are anxious to confer on a lay Professor, in accordance with Mr. Dunlop's clause in the late Scotch University Act, but some flaw having been detected in the clause, it has been resolved by a majority to ask Mr. Dunlop to get it so amended that its intent may be carried out. The Council are hopeful of getting this amended clause before the expiry of their functions as patrons of the University, the University Commissioners having appointed the 15th of October next as the day in which the Act of last year, which takes away the patronage from the municipal body and vests it in seven curators, of which they appoint four, is to come into operation.

The Orange Lodge, at Paisley, made a foolish demonstration on the 12th of July. The miners, chiefly Irish we may presume, collected, and an encounter ensued, in which knives, bludgeons, and fire-arms were freely used. The fight lasted three quarters of an hour, when the Roman Ca- tholics were defeated, and fled. One man was killed and six wounded. It is said that the police off duty joined the Orangemen, and fought with them in uniform. It is really disgraceful to Scotland that conflicts of this kind should occur. Scotland has nothing to do with the battle of the Boyne. It is time that the sanguinary spirit of Omngeism should be laid in its grave