Notes on Rifle Shooting. By Captain Heaton. (Longman and Co.)—
Short practical notes on a subject just now of much interest, thoroughly sensible and clear, and free from that affectation of scientific knowledge which makes most such books .useless to the public. Riflemen cannot was by no means the result of Johnston's getting him "just where do better than read Captain Heaton's book. he wanted him." For it was not Johnston but Sherman who attacked, with over-confidence, it would seem ; and the troops of [Owing to the receipt of our American correspondent's letter the former fought snugly under cover. We hear also from Rich- just before going to press, we are obliged to postpone the notice mond, but not through the Richmond papers, that the insurgents, of " Blackfriars ; or, the Monks of Old."] much as they boast of Johnston's hitherto not very fruitful strategy,