16 JULY 1881, Page 2

The Bulgarian revolution has been accomplished. The Great Assembly called

by the Prince, in the terms of the funda- mental law, to revise the Constitution, met at Sistova on July 13th, amidst enthusiastic demonstrations of popular ap- proval. It was known that three-fourths of the Members elected were on the Prince's side, and the Opposition,-therefore, instead of discussing any compromise, sulkily stayed away.. The Prince entered the temporary hall of the National Assem- bly at ten a.m., and read a short speech, asking the Deputies to accept his proposals, which was followed by enthusiastic shouts of "We accept ! we accept !" The three proposals—the first of which invests the Prince with legislative power for seven years, the second suspends the Budget for one year, and the third orders- the Great Assembly to meet seven years hence to revise the Con- stitution, which by that time will be established by the Prinee- were then formally read and signed by every Deputy present.. The Assembly was then adjourned. No doubt is entertained by those present that the Prince has the people on his side,

and he was specially complimented by the diplomatic repre- sentatives of all the Powers. The honesty of the Prince has still to be tested, but he himself repudiates the notion of autocracy, and promises to lay the basis of a solid, working Constitution.