16 JULY 1881, Page 2

The insurrection against the French in North Africa in- creases.

Bou Amema has sustained a repulse in Oran, or is said to have sustained one, but the bombardment of Sfax has failed, and 10,000 Arabs there collected forbid the landing-of the French. The Government of Tunis had despatched 1;500' regulars to the port by sea, under a French officer, but on their arrival they hurrahed for the Arabs, and the officer took them back again. On July 12th the Arabs threatened Cabes also, and compelled all Enropeaas to fly ; and on the following day the island of Gerba rose in insurrection, with the same result. All these movements are said to be supported from Tripoli, where the Sultan's agents refuse to acknowledge that Tunis is French, or the French Consul answerable for Tunisians. The Khedive of Egypt has received orders from Constantinople- not to recognise the 'French in Tunis, and has promised to obey them, while a Turkish fleet of ironclads is expected off Tripoli, and large reinforcements are under orders. In view of -these facts, the French Mediterranean Squadron hag been sent to, Tripoli, and it is believed that further detachments of Turkish troops will not be permitted to land.