(TO THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."' Sin,—As an original member of this corps in January, 1860, I very gladly availed myself of the opportunity of joining other former members in Hyde Park to witness the special parade in celebration of the regiment's fiftieth anniversary. It is said that nearly a thousand of the old members were present—that is, a number about equal to the present strength of the regiment—and it is respecting those old members that I wish to say a few words. After the parade they marchedwith the regiment from Hyde Park to Queen's Hall, and I was much struck with their bearing, the admirable way in which they marched and kept step, and the enthusiasm with which they entered into the day's rejoicings. The greater proportion of them were not old men like myself, but gave the impression of being still young,—too young to be already past members. But this is an object-lesson showing the splendid material that exists for a Reserve, and as this is the jubilee year of the Volunteer movement commenced in 1860, it is to be hoped that other corps will, like the Queen's, try to get into touch with their old members, and thus in a double capacity help the great cause of national defence.—I am, Sir, &c., ROBERT BOWES, V.D., Major, retired, 3rd (Cambs) V.B. Suffolk Regiment. Cambridge.