result of two cases tried in the Courts in Cheshire, it is now apparent that no legal offence is committed (a) if you dismiss your workmen for showing Liberal colours in a Tory motor-car in which you have ordered them to go to the poll, and (b) if you refuse to send any more pups to be walked with a person who supports a Liberal candidate. The law of the land is admittedly powerless to deal with this sort of intimidation and intolerance, yet even so need we despair ? Last week you held out visions of a country surprised by the
" laying bare " of some " vast vein of latent nobility," through the efforts of the Agenda Club, which is to " fill the country with, as it were, an army of spiritual Man Scouts." Please send a corporal's guard of these Scouts, I beg you, to Cheshire, there to work the vein of nobility which, as it is, seems all too " latent." Please do not dismiss my scheme because it seems strange or exotic.—I am, Sir, &c.,
19 Great College Street, S.W. CHARLES GEAXE.