16 JULY 1927, Page 1

Great Britain has shared with Southern Ireland the shock of

horror with which both countries heard that Mr. Kevin O'Higgins was brutally shot on Sunday by a band of men who waylaid him as he was walking alone to Mass from his house at Blackrock. He died five hours later forgiving his murderers. Mr. O'Higgins was a nephew of the Governor-General, who has had the syMpathy of all in an even closer loss ; the son of a man who was murdered fonr years ago ; the brother of an officer killed in the War. He was elected to Parliament in 1918 while interned for his Sinn Fein activities, and was warmly taken up by Michael Collins. Though only thirty years old he became in 1922 Minister of Justice and Vice-President of the Executive Council. Since the last election he had become Minister of-External Affairs as well as of Justice. He was the right-hard man of Mr. Cosgrave, who was by no means the only person whoni Mr. O'Higgins charmed by his manner and impressed by his abilities. He had only lately returned from Geneva, where he represented the Free State.
