16 JULY 1927, Page 17


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sia,—May we ask you to help us to remove the unfortunate impression which has got into circulation that the Golden Valley at Hindhead is already saved ? This can only become a reality if further subscriptions come into the Fund. The Golden Valley is one of the chief beauties of the famous Hindhead district. The wide sweep at the corner where the main roads lead into Hindhead from the Farnham and Winchester districts suddenly opens as a glorious prospect to the visitor to Hindhead. The valley, wooded with pine, birch, and hawthorn and golden with gorse and broom, presents a beautiful and intriguing foreground with its winding paths and overlapping curves. Thus framed rise the distant vistas of the hills of the South Downs. About £4,750 has already been collected ahnost entirely from local sources, but my Committee feels that the saving of the property from the hands of the small builder and its acquisition by the National Trust is indeed a national affair to which the general public may well be asked to contribute. It is not merely of local concern that the valley should be saved, and we appeal to your readers who are interested to contribute to the Fund, sending their subscriptions direct to the National Trust, 7, Buckingham Palace Gardens, London, S.W.1.—I am, Sir, &c., (Mrs.) N. GRANT ALLEN, Hon. Secretary, Golden Valley Fund. Little Croft, Hindhead, Surrey.