16 JULY 1954, Page 7

H-Hour at Lime Grove

High up at the far end of the hangar-like studio an electric . admonition appeared, like the ' Fasten Your Safety Belts. No Smoking' notice when an aircraft is Preparing to land. It said, rather more cogently, ' Vision On— Sound On.' Behind the embattled cameras and microphones the technicians' faces wore the look of expertise, modified by a mixture of compassion and distaste, which you see on the face of a vet who, poising his syringe, prepares to put an ailing animal down. We. the panel, moistened our lips and assumed alert, foolish expressions. Somewhere a voice— audible to us only as an indecipherable but compelling mutter—explained to several million viewers the rules and purpose of the latest TV parlour game. A moment later our chairman was in full cry.