The Crypto-Royalists
As I read of the frantic enthusiasm which Princess Margaret's visit is arousing among the Germans I remem- bered the first occasion on which I got an inkling of their latent but profound passion for royalty. I was driving into Berlin from the air-port early one morning just before the last war. Mussolini had completed a state visit to Hitler the day before, and in the Unter den Linden workmen were dismantling a lavish paraphernalia of flagpoles, bunting and
triumphal arches. I asked the German who was with me if the Duce's public appearances had been well received by the
citizens. There -was,' he admitted, considerable enthusiasm, but it was as nothing to the tumultuous scenes I remember
some years ago.' Who was here then ? ' I asked. King Amanullah,' replied the German, of Afghanistan.'