A prayer for moderation
Sir: Although one may assume that no human aberration is capable of shocking or surprising Almighty God, it is still never- theless illegal in this country to interfere With or disturb public worship.
On Sunday 3 July, embarrassed worship- pers at various cathedrals witnessed 'walk- outs' and had to pass 'picket-lines' of per- sons holding placards and distributing literature in support of female ordination. Is it really unreasonable to insist that, not- withstanding their views on CND, abortion or whatever, protesters should observe the decencies and consider the effect of their actions upon other folk?
Perhaps it is too much, in these days of 'restrained' episcopical leadership, to hope for such conduct to be condemned outright; but at least we can still pray that the more extreme forms of vesture and behaviour, currently so common at Greenham, will not be allowed to spread into ecclesiastical life.
Revd John Peace 47 Princess Road, Branksome, Dorset