16 JULY 1983, Page 33

Crossword 616

A prize of len pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution opened on 1 August. Entries to: Crossword 616, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N 2LL.

Each italicised clue defines (in either order) a word and the light derived from R.

Name Address, . ACROSS 4 Relevant witnesses, we hear, ap- pear from nowhere (11) 11 Vexed outburst — so much Gallic spirit (7) 12 Spies, once bank-managers (6) 13 Pinter is, produced without one added player (9) 14 Recognised? Made in- distinguishable (5) 16 A stake tossed over Monte Gibello (5) 19 No primate has a list of sees? (7) 21 Physical feature: ancient lake (4) 23 stirs former visions in speech (7) 24 Fabric, single length spun (4) 25 Received food, battered (7) 30 Tin displaced lead in light unit


31 The 'Saint' again (4) 32 Resisting habit (7) 34 Tower covered with cracks (4) 35 Liberal in banquet audibly wool-

ly (7)

37 Obstacle unknown — nervous?

(5) 40 Old witchery, mire for Macbeth?


41 Dimmoulding round Pole, Early Tertiary (9) 42 Thrash the old tanner! (6) 43 Border taken in by Her Majesty's Commissions (7) 44 Old beads, summer's tints (11) DOWN 1 File table and feature of staircase (11, hyphened) 2 Salt, look, in Jock's sore (6) 3 Stored energy in repose (5) 5 Adjudge old love-song (4) 6 Frozen plain fish (4) 7 A tree so subtly dawn-tinged (7) 8 Struggle violently, turn into a monster (7) 9 Celebrate in part of 'Bull', host (9) 10 Saint smooths Spenser's outcries (7) 15 Rows? — Beams! (5) 17 Pin disfigured ent rail (7) 18 Warns Reds of dire perversity (11) 20 Reserve remorse for 'The (Alaskan) Wriggler' (7, hyphened) 22 Mixed tea-snack on duke's table- piece (9, hyphened) 26 Having a border sprinkled? (5) 27 111 in Leeds, isolated (7) 28 Safe, right, cracked by firm's cleaner (7) 29 Pile-driver split fortification (7) 33 Kirk's tithes — is apt to withhold one (6) 36 Nick Italian violin (5) 38 Provincial doorpost, far from Classical (4) 39 Distressingly gloomy (4)