LETTERS Island views
Sir: Tim Congdon's recent article entitled 'Time for Britain to rediscover itself' (25 June) continues his defence of plucky little England standing on its own in the world and being better for it.
He draws conclusions from his interpre- tation of the past, conclusions which are based on a myopic view of history as being unreservedly economic in nature.
Not to admit a political as well as an eco- nomic motive to the founding fathers of a United Europe is to deny them the vision which they so obviously possessed. There are many xenophobic forces still at large in the nation states of Europe, but the closer the political ties which bind the continent together, the less chance these demonic self-destructive influences will have of gain- ing an ascendancy.
The recent D-Day commemoration cere- monies should have served as a lesson to us all of the dangers inherent in any resur- gence of conflicting nationalistic forces in what should be a shared homeland for all Europeans.
When will we ever learn?
Alan M Cross
26 Drayton Court, Drayton Gardens, London SW10