.Theaday, ,Tune 12.
PARTRERSHIP8 DISSOLVTD.- Doyle and Whiteley, Pendleton, brick-makers-Com- merford and Blackener. Lower Eaton Street, drapers-J. and W. Livesey, Preston, printers-Stirk, Brothers, Horton, Yorkshire, tea-dealers-Clarke and Clemson, Windsor Court, Falcon Square-Wilson and Co. Barnsley, iron-founders ; as far as regards E. Gelder and W. Ellis-Sankey Brook Colliery Company, Peer, Lancashire, and the hew Bridge Salt Company, Moulton, Cheshire; as far as regards D. Walker -Ellis and Co. Birmingham, iron-founders ; as far as regards J. Cook-Buckham and Grey, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, hosiers—G. and H. Naylor, Upper Baker Street, Pentonville, varnish-manufacturers-Craig and Co. Liverpool, commission-mer- chants-Leonine, Brothers, London, merchants-Lowe and Scott, Congleton, sur- geons-Roberta and Co. Mold, Flintshire. brewers- Falkingham and Spetch, Knaresborough, coach-builders-Southerns and Watson, Neweastle-upon-Ty-ne, fire-brick.manufacturers-Allen and Anderson, London, provision-merchants-Simp- son and Co. and Simpson and Reeves, Liverpool, tea-merchants-C. and H. Black- burn, Leamington-White and Smith, Bingley, painters-Rowe and Co. Brentford ; as far as regards T. Fisher-Gibson and Co. Birstal, iron-founders; as far as regards J. Gibson-Bickerton and Co. Glasgow, warehousemen.
Baexaurrs.-Tnomas and EDWARD SCRUM, Curtain Road, cheesemongers, to surrender June 21, July 25: solicitors, Galsworthys, Old Jewry Chambers ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Witt-Um StaartAt4 and Co. Strand, bankers, June 25, July 26: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. 0.c1 Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Thomas Molise, North Terrace, Grosve- nor Square, wine-merchant, June 22, July 31: solicitor, Fitch, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury ; official assignee, Edwards, Sambrook Court-Joni Vows, Surrey Place, Old Kent Road, oilman, June 22, July 31 : solicitors, Sole and Co. Alder- inanbury ; official assignee, Lee, Aldermanbury-Heemasst BRIEBACH, Middlesex Street, Aldgate, baker, June 21, July 26: solicitors, /lineup, Fenchurch Buildings ;
official assignee, Cannan, Aldennanbury-WILLIAM DAVIS. Birmingham, boot-manu- banter, June 23. July 20: solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-A:amour Bram Birmingham. grocer, June 23, July 20: solicitor. Hawkes, Birmingham ; official assignee, Bittleston, Birmingham-HENar Duns Bristol, grocer, June 25. July 24 : solicitors, Henderson and Co. Bristol; offi- cial assignee, Miller, Bristol-JAmEs WATMOUTH, Taunton. stationer, June 20, July 12: solicitors, Perfny, Taunton; Stogdon, Exeter ; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter- Seams Lyons, Tavistock, draper, June 20, July 12: solicitors, Rooker and Co. Ply- mouth ; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Cuaums RICHARDS, Wrexham, draper. June 22,, July 19: solicitors, Evans and Son, Liverpool; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-ORLANDO THOMAS NEWTON, Liverpool, spirit-merchant, June 25, July 16: solicitors, Higson and Robinson, Manchester ; Littledale and Bardswell, Liverpool ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool-Jong PARKER HALL junior, Liverpool, drysalter, June 25, July 16: solicitors, Neal and Martin, Liver- pool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-Jositra JAeNsoN, Liverpool, draper, June 22, July 19: solicitor, Greatley, Liverpool: official assignee, Turner, Liverpool -Amnon Pears DRIOSSER, Manchester, 'machinist, June 22, July 13: solicitors, Ad- Vinson and Last. Manchester ; official assignee, Hernaman. Manchester-ALE:- atanan PF-ST, Manchester, boot-manufacturer, June 25, July 17: solicitors, Cobbett and Wheeler, Manchester; official assignee, Pott, Manchester-Isaac Morn:Rama% Macclesfield, builder, June 27, July 13 : solicitors, Parrott and Co. Macclesfield; ofRcial assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DIVIDENDS.-July 3, Pearse, Finsbury Place South, merchant-July 3, Tyler. Wood Street, warehouseman-July 3, Cable, Goswell Street, draper-July 3, Gra- ham, Notting Hill Square, hosier-July 3. Wilson, Princes Street, Hanover Square, tailor-July 4, Winch, Fountain Court, Strand, victualler-July 3. Grist, Salisbury, clothier-July 10, Brookes, Loughborough, hosier-July 10. Osborne, Leicester, wine-merchant-July 10, Allcock, Nottingham, wine-merchant-July 6, Critcbley, Manchester, publican-July 4, Rochester, Bishopweannouth, linen-draper-July 5, Nuttall, Liverpool, merchant-July 5, Prescott, Liverpool, tea-dealer-July 4. Roberts, Toxteth Park, grocer-July 3, Skipper, Liverpool, corn-merchant-July 4, Davies, Liverpool, merchant.
CERT/PICATES. -7'o be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary. on the day of meeting.-July 3, Lister, Great Queen Street, jewel-case-maker-July 4, Hoffman, Park Terrace, Clapham, brewer-July 5. Finer and Co. Brighton, plumbers- July 5, Hunt, Reigate, builder-July 13, Box, Dursley, Gloucester-shire, woollen-draper - July 9, Hayward, Devonport, tallow-chandler-July 3, Holmes, Lancaster, builder- July 6, Woreley and Heys, Iielmshore. Lancashire, cotton-manufacturers-July 5, Bell, Little Bolton, cotton-spinner-July 5, Wood, Opensbaw, boiler-maker-July 9, Partridge sen. Birminaham. builder-July 9, Keates, Uttozetn, ironmonger-July 5, Weson, Dudley. hosier-July 5, Marsden, Basalt Heath, Worcestershire, victual- ler-July 5, Webber, Birmingham, grocer. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Kennedy, West Cowes, chemist ; first dir. of Is. 44d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Bowler, Old Jamaica Wharf, Upper Ground Street, timber-merchant ; first div. of lls. any Tuesday ; Nicholson, Basinghall Street- Hymill:Paul's Wharf, Upper Thames Street, paper-agent ; first div. of Is. 8d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Wigg and Smith, Gresham Street West, commission-agents; first div. of qd. any Wednesday; Whit- mom, Basinghall Street-afvers, Strand, ormolu-miniature-frame-maker ; first div. of 23. Gd. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Phillips, filinories, brush- maker ; first die. of 1s. 6d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Bu- chanan. Moorgate Street, cabinet-maker; first div. of Is. 9d. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays ; Lee,, Aldermanbury-Muruss, Maidstone, hotel- keeper.; first div. of Is. 24d. Wednesday next and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Aldermanbury-Jenves-. Barnstaple, betokseller ; first div. of 4s. 6d. any Tues- day or Friday; Hirtzel, Exeter-Evans, Exeter, bookseller ; dlr. of 55. on new proofs, any Tuesday or Friday: Hirtzel, Exeter-Kent, Taunton, plumber ; first die. of Is. 8d. any Tuesday or Friday ; Iiirtzel, Exeter-Goldsmith, Nottingham, batter, first div. of 3s. Gd. June 18, and two subsequent Mondays ; Harris, Notting- ham-R. and J. T. Robson. Derby, silk-manufacturers; first div. of 4s. 6d: June 18, and two anhseouent Mondays : Harris. Nottingham -Leake, Crowland, Lincoln- shire, grocer ; first dir. of Is Gd. June 18, and two subsequent Mondays ; Harris, Nottingham. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-Rirk, Glasgow, smith, June 21-Logan, Hamilton, grain-dealer, June 21 - Dav id son, Aluirtown-of-Dunio, Aberdeenshire, wright, June 20-Laing, Edinburgh, farmer, June 21-Reid, Arbroath, merchant, June 15.
Friday, aho1e 15. PARTNERSHIPS DISSoLVED.-- Cam phau.en and C rantoff, Billiter Square, merchants ; as far as regards A. Grantoff- Lyric, Oddington,. Gloucestershire, and Caber, Mid- dle Aston. Oxfordshire, auctioneers-Lyon and Etherington, Sittingbourne, Kent, mercers-Moore and Cs. Nottingham, lace-manufacturers; as far as regards J. Moores-Hoyle and Marsh jun. Rotherhan't, attornies-Jones and Sons, High Street, Clerkerinrell, tallow-chandlers ; as far as regards A. Jones-Moore and Collins,• Liverpool. compopition-ornament-manufacturers-Wilson and Co. Wheat- sheaf Wharf, Goole, and Leeds, ' wharfingers -Sedates and Hewett, Barking, ship-builders-Th.lckray and Burniston, Leeds, wool-merchants-Wild and Son, Bury, Lancashire, caton-spinners-Shepherd and Crosier ; as far as regards the Bannerdale Blacklead Company and Mine and the Jacky Wipes Fold Mine, Greystoke, Cutnberland-Taylor and Finebee, Wellington, Salop, malt- sters-J. and T. Devonport, Birmingbam, machinists-Dawber and Co. Lincoln, brewers ; as far as regards W. Dawber-Bayfield and Sons, Not wich. ironmon- gers; as far as regards W. H. Bayfield-Cross 'and Co. Radcliffe Bridge, Lan- cashire, waterproof-fabric-manufacturers-Hobson and Co. Sheffield, file-manu- facturere-Muir and Fonton. Old ' Fish Street, wine-merchants-Thame and Bromley'. Greenwich, ironmongers - Bailey and Co. Salford, reed-manufacturers ; as far as regards W. Goodall-Bennett and Newnham, Cuckflckl, Sussex. timber- merchants-G. and W. Clark, Bury St. Edmund's, tailors,-Brown and Blackett, Temple Chambers, Fleet Street, architects-Williams and Coupe, Bradford, Lan- cashire. fire-brick-makers- Threlfall ands Co. Liverpool, merchants ; as far as re- gards W. Threlfall. BANscarere.-HENEr HEATLEY, Ely, ironmonger, to surrender June 29, July 27: solicitors, Church Spital Square ; Marshall, Ely; official assignee. Whitmore, Ba- singhall, Street-BENJAMIN KENT,. Norfolk Street, hotelkeeper, June 22, July 27: solicitor, Wetherfield, Basinghall Streets official assignee, Cannan, Aldennanbury- WILLIAM NEEDHAM and SAMUEL WHITE, Friday Street, Cheapside, silk-manufac- turers June 29, July 28: solicitors, Sheard and Baker, Old Jewry ; official assignee, Stansteld--Rointer RELLAWAT MEADEN, Walbrook, wine-merchant, June 26, July 27 : solicitors, Norton and Son, New Street, Bishopagate; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings- RICHARD Waxen, Wisbeach St. Peters, stationer, June 25, July 2.5 : solicitor, Archer. Racquet Court, Fleet Street; official assignee, Nichol- son, BasinghalI Street-WILLIAM DAVIS, Birmingham, boot-manufacturer, June 23, July 20: solicitor, Hodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham- Reams FLENBUSO, Newport, Monmouthshire. clothier, June 26, July 24: solicitors, Blakey, Newport: Bevan and Girling, Bristol; official assignee, Acraman, Bristol- TnomAs WILLIAMSON, Truro, draper, June 28, July 19: solicitors, Simmons and Cock, Truro; Stogdon. Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Jong HENRY ?doom Hull, joiner, July 11, Ang'. I : solicitors, Stamp and Jackson, Hull; official assignee, Carrick. Hull -Jong FENTON, Liverpool, apothecary, July 2, 23: solicitor, Dodge, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-Jong BARTON and Co. Manchester, copper-roller-manufacturers, Jay 4, 25: solicitors, Slater and Heelie, Manchester; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester-THOMAS Pita:snots, Durham, builder, June 29, July 20: solicitors, Hartley, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury; Brignal, Durham ; official assignee. Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. DIVIDENDS.-July 0, Harding, Great Saffron Hill, baker-July 7, Davis, Colney Hatch, victualler-July 6, Bentley, Smithfield Bars, cheescmonger-July 6, Quer- terman, Oxford, carpenter-July 6, Dtmsdale, King's Arms Yard, Coleman Street, dealer in iron -July 6, Cornish, Great Thurlow, Suffolk, grocer-July 27, Webber, Birmingham, groeer-July 27, Russell, Leamington Priors, printer-July 6, Holmes, Leeds, wine-merchant-July 6, Oldfield and Co. Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-mer- chants-July 6, Nicholson, Leeds, machine-maker-July 6, C. and M. Hargreaves, Bradford, Yorkshire, n hitesmiths.
CERTIFICATES.- To be granted, =MSS cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.-July 6, Parker, Greenwich, bricklayer-July 6, Jones, Oxford Street, grocer-July 9, Dalton, Newt on Heath, Lancashire. emery-grinder-July 10, Makant, Wildly, Lancashire, cotton-spinner-- July 10, Thomasand limes, Manchester, dry- salters-July 9, Evans, Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-merchant. DECLARATIONS OP Divinsuma.- Hall, Fordingbridge, butcher; first div. of 3s. Gd. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Lee, Aldermanbury-Peacock, Budge Row, clothier; first div. of 2s. 9d. Wednesday next, and three subsequent Wednesdays; Edwards, Sambrook Court-Whalley, Stockport, cotton-spinner ; first div. of 104d. any Tuesday Pott, Manchester -Steaks, Openshaws Lancashire, iron- monger ; first div. of Is. 6d. any Tuesday ; Putt. Manchester-Hill, Manchester, can- vass-dealer; that div. of is. 21d. June 26, or any subsequent Tuesday; Fraser, Man- chester. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.-Hood, Newmilnes, Ayrshire, draper, June 27-Stark, Glasgow, glass-manufacturer, June 28-Cameron, Glasgow, merchant, June 25- Knox, Glasgow, wine-merchant, July 2-J. and C. Alexander, Glasgow, tea-mer- chants, June 29.