The tendency of the markets in all classes. of English stocks and securi- ties has this week been decidedly downwards, and, although as yet Consols have only receded about 1 per cent from the first quotation of Monday, there is much heaviness all round. The causes for this are various : the report on the National Defences, apprehensions of a bad harvest, a large increase in the demand for money in the discount market, silly rumours touching the approaching meeting of the Emperor Napoleon and the Prince Regent of Prussia, and, chief of all, an extensive supply of stock upon the market, some very large sales having recently taken place. Consols are now marked ex. div., and were first quoted 94 93/, recovered to 94 931, and 934 buyers, but have since drooped to 931 931, the last official quotation this afternoon. From the state of the money market (rates having been fully 4 to 41 per cent), and the fear of a new loan for carrying on the war with China, there would seem at present little chance of an immediate recovery in values; and, indeed, but for the buoyancy on the Paris Bourse, the probability is, we should have considerably lowered prices here. Consols opened 93/ 93ethis morning, but fell to 931 sellers, after a few speculative sales at that figure. Bank Stock closes 228 230 ; India Stock and the Five per Cents shut. Con- sols for money shut, the transfer books will be open on the 17th of July. Reduced and New Three per Cents 931 934..
The Foreign Stock Market has been quiet in all except Turkish, which
has jumped up about 2 per cent the last day or two; Old Six per Cents are finally 77 771; ditto New, 60 60/; other tings prices are for the most part merely nominal ; Mexican remains stationary, 21/ 21/ ; Buenos Ayres as last week, 85 87 ; and the Three per Cent, 241 251 ; Peru- vian, Four-and-a-half per Cent, 92 93; do. Three per Cent, 69 70; ditto Uribarren, 83 84. Victor Emmanuel Bonds have been in demand, and close 96 97 ; and Sardinian firm at 82.83 ; Russian Threes steady, 64 641 ; Chilian Six per Cent, 102 104 ; Spanish is good and leaves off 48 481 ; Portuguese about the same, 443 45* ; Brazilian, 88 89 ; Grenada Active, 14 15 ' - Ditto Deferred, 4 41 ; Venezuela, 24 25. The Committee of the Stock Exchange are now engaged investigating the statements of some members concerning the alleged irregular conduct on the part of the Directors of the Buenos Ayres and San Fernando Railway, Company ; the manner in which the shares are said to have been allotted has given rise to great scandal. The nominal price of the shares is now about 7 premium, and if bought in might fetch any price ; the committee have, however, resolved that no buying in or selling out of the shares shall take place whilst the present investigation is going forward. English Railways have been dull and heavy, and quotations have shown a tendency to recede ; the settlement of the half-monthly account con- cluded today has occupied attention during the week and prices are now for the end of the month. The principal undertakings show a fall, Great Northern Stocks being quite 2 per cent lower, 113 115; Caledonians, 91 911; South Eastern and Dover, fiat at a lower value, 85 851; London and Brighton, 1141 1151 ; London and North Western, 1011 1014 ; Great Western, 6131 691 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 41 41i ; North Staffordshire, 131 134 ; Midland, 1161 117 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1041 10.5 ; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 29 30 ; Berwick, an 961 ; Chester and Holyhead, 511 52. Contangos and rates of interest have ruled heavy. The French Railway Market is steady upon the good French Bank return, and an abundant supply of money. Paris and Strasbourg, 23f241; Northern of France, 381 39 buyers Paris and Lyons, 341 35 ; Midi, 20 21; Lom- bardo-Venetian have been buyers at par, but close A die par. The Indian Market, although inactive, is supported in anticipation of the dividends : —East Indian, 102 1021 ; Great Indian, Peninsula, 991 1001; Madras, 981 99'; Bombay and Baroda, 964 971. Joint Stock Banks have been quiet, City closing, 75 77 ; London and Westminster, 60 61 ; and Union, 2425.
An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending
on Wednesday the 13th day of June 1860.
Rotes issued Proprietors 'Capital... ......
Public Deposits.
Other Deposits-.. • • ... Seven Days and other Bills
16111:11t DirLIITYRICT.
Government Debt Other Securities Gold Coin and Bullion Sliver Bullion
Government,SecurIties (inclu- ding Dead Weight Annuity)
Other Securities Notes Gold and Silver Coin
£11,015,100 3.459,900 15,434,910
3.11.1MING DEPA2111151,T.
E14,553,000 3,233,519 8,429,229 12,411,115 . 659,213 £29,909,910
49,764,108 19,819,883 8,942,475
759,659 £39,280,103 £39,286,103
• Including Exchequer, Saving-Banks,Commissioners or National Debt, and Div. Acct.