The two volumes of Loan MACAULAY'S 3ID•C'ELLANEOUS Wierrix6s, just published by Messrs. Longman, comprise ten papers, imaginative and critical, contributed to Knight's Quarterly _Magazine in the years 1823 and 1824; nine Edinburgh Balew articles, not included in the previous collection of essays from that publication ; the five biographical articles contributed to the Encyclopedia Britannica, which have recently been reprinted in one volume by Messrs. Black and Co.; and miscella- neous poems, inscriptions, &c., ranging in date from 1812 and 1813, years of the author's boyhood, to which two of them belong, to 1856.
METAPHYSICS, OIL THE PHILOSOPHY OF CONSCIOUSNESS PHENOMENAL AND REAL, by Dr. Mansel, is a reprint of the article " Metaphysics," in the Encyclopedia Britannica. Its plan " rendered it necessary to at- tempt a general outline of a wide and in some degree ambiguous subject, which, in some respects, might perhaps have been more satisfactorily discussed by means of separate treatises on its subordinate parts." This fact is justly pleaded as an apology for the omission of some matters and the very cursory treatment of others; but these necessary suppressions of detail will not be held by the candid student as detracting from the value of a treatise which has been ably and carefully composed with a view to the fulfilment of its avowed purpose.
A SOMMER RAMBLE TN THE HIMALAYAS is an anonymous work, pub- lished under the double guarantee of its editor, " Mountaineer," and of Mr. James Hume, of the Reform Club, who explains that Mountaineer is a nom de plume, familiar to all Indian sportsmen of the last twenty years, as that of Mr. Wilson of Mussoorie, who was the author's com- panion during much of his ramble, and himself contributed two chapters to the present volume, giving an account of the Gurwhal country. Mr. ilume certifies that he is not only an accomplished sportsman, but some- thing more ; " he is fond of natural history, alive to the beauties of na- ture, inquisitive as to the habits and customs of the people to whom his wanderings introduce him ; and the descriptive faculty is developed in all his writings." There are many evidences of these qualities in the joint production of the brother sportsmen.
A COMPARATIVE VIEW or THE HUMAN AND Aimee'. Fa var. has recently appeared from the well-known pencil of Mr. Waterhouse Hawkins. The work is intended for the use of art students, and consists of a series of carefully-drawn skeletons of Man, and of those quadrupeds most frequently occupying the artist's attention. Each plate represents man and some one or more of the lower animals, in corresponding atti- tudes, so that the relative position of the bones in each can be easily studied, and the accompanying letterpress refers to the points in the corn, partitive view that are especially worthy of notice. Mr. Hawkins' resto- rations of extinct animals, now exhibited in the Crystal Palace Gardens, are good evidence of the care with which he has studied the zoological world. THE NEW REVOLUTION, OR THE NAPOLEONIC POLICY IN EUROPE is a reprint of papers from Blackwood's Magazine and the Press news- paper.
Mr. Ramsay's treatise on TliE OLD GLACIERS OF SWITZERLAND AND Noirrn WALES, which originally appeared as one of the chapters in Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers, by the members of the Alpine Club, has .now been produced in a separate volume.
THE DIVINE LIFE ix MAN, by the Reverend Baldwin Brown, of Clay- land's Chapel, Clapham Road, is a collection of discourses, which we noticed with approval when the first edition appeared in December last.
A Sketch of the Life and Character of Sir Robert Peel. By Sir Lawrence Peel. Only a Woman ; a Story in Neutral Tint. By Captain Lascelles Wraxall. Iu three volumes.
Our English Home : its Early History and Progress. With Notes on the In- . troduction of Domestic Inventions.
The Handybook of the Civil Service. By Edward Walford, M.A.
Pauline ; or Buried Alive. A Novel. By the Author of Monte Christo." Translated by J. May Hodgson, jun.
The Illustrated Horse Doctor : being an Accurate and Detailed Account, ac- companied by more than 400 Pictorial Representations of the various Diseases to which the Equine Race are subjected; together with the Latest Mode of Treatment, and all the Requisite Prescriptions, written in Plain English. By Edward Mayhew, M.R.C.V.S.
A Hobble through the Channel Islands in 1858 ; or, the Seeings. Doings, and Musings of one Tom Hobbler, during a four months' residence in those parts. By Edward T. Gastineau. With a View of Bonley Bay.
The Miscellaneous Writings of Lord Macaulay. In two volumes.
Opuseula. Essays chiefly Philological and Ethnographical. By Robert Gor don Latham, M.A., &c.
The Noe Revolution; or the Napoleonic Policy in Europe. By R. II. Pat- terson.
The Divine Life in Alan. By James Baldwin Brown, B.A. Second edition. The Old Glaciers of Switzerland and North Wales. By A. C. Ramsay, F.H.B. and G.S.