I tA. very severe Church-rate contest was finished at Northenden, in Cheshire, on Saturday. The poll extended over two days. At the meeting on Friday, a show of hands was taken, and on being counted the numbers appeared, for the rate, 69 ; against it, 72. The poll which was demanded was taken immediately, and on Friday evening the num- bers were declared to be, for the rate, 97 ; against, 68. The contest was renewed on Saturday, and on the final declaration of the poll, the anti- Church-rate party gained the struggle by a majority of five.
The Norwich Magistrates have been investigating a very curious case. Mr. Vansittart, M.P., has an only son, sixteen years of age, who does not seem to know his own mind on the subject of religion. His father placed him under the care of the Reverend Mr. Hodgson, rector of Rackheath. near Norwich, in order that he should be fixed in his Protestant tendencies. While at this house the young man took part in Protestant worship ante even partook of the sacrament. Suddenly he disappeared and went to Nor-1 wick, where he saw the Reverend Canon Dalton, induced to do so by ale Italian priest who had followed him to Rackheath, and who stealthlve lurked in the neighbourhood watching for his young friend. Vaneitteng said he wanted to go to London. He had a watch belonging to a selenim mate, and he wished to sell it to furnish funds for his journey. Dalin& advised him to go to one Beha, a Roman Catholic watchmaker, who wierie ask no questions, and gave him a letter of introduction to one " Femur- Thomas " in case when he arrived in London he should not see Be thand Grant. The watch, worth two guineas, was bought, for fifteen shillings, e before the young man could start, Canon Dalton seeing Mr. VansitPU- in Norwich, told him where the lad was. Hence his flight was procaine': Mr. Vansittart stated that he had once before rescued his son from a Reeve? Catholic priest at Brighton who had secreted him. Canon Daiton, rem Behas, and a Mr. Foulsham, who bought the watch, has of
but no specific charge has yet been made against them. A warrant issued for the arrest of the Italian priest Giugini. have been held to liable
William Charles Driver, clerk in the bank of Messrs. Gurney of Norwich, has been committed for trial on a charge of embezzling two sums of 1751. and 2001 The 175/. was paid in July 1858, and never accounted for.