THE long suspense of Europe ended at 11 a.m. on Friday,
the 15th inst., when the Emperor Frederick, worn out with his long straggle with disease, peacefully passed away. The end, though inevitable from the day when all the physicians agreed that the malady was cancer, came upon the world with a certain suddenness at last. The full truth, which Included the steady wasting of the Emperor's weight and strength, had never been revealed, nor the increasing danger lest the possibility of feeding him should end. At last the partition between the windpipe and the gullet was eaten through, and after three days of silence, the physicians on Tuesday admitted officially that the difficulty of swallowing created danger, and privately that food could only be administered through a tube. On Wednesday the bulletin was more reassuring; but on Thursday the Emperor's strength had sunk so low that the end was momently expected, and was, we believe, officially telegraphed to London. The Emperor, however, as the child of parents of whom one died over ninety and the other has reached an age far in excess of averages, possessed abnormal vitality, and he lingered on till the hour we have recorded. To the last he was attended by a loving wife, aided by all that modern science can accomplish, and surrounded by the reverence of all Europe. There have been more pitiable deaths, though few more melancholy careers.