16 JUNE 1933, Page 1

News of the Week UVENTS in Germany, and events occurring

under Ger- man instigation in Austria, are once more alienating effectively the . sympathy which Germany seems so anxious to conciliate_ in other countries. The outbreak of organized and disgusting brutality at Munich, the seat of the Nazi movement, on Sunday is ,a sinister commentary on the apologias of those who have, excused earlier excesses as an inevitable concomitant of revolution and dismissed them confidently as already a thing of the past. The anarchic turbulence of the Nazi regime is arrestingly illustrated by the .fact that the perfectly orderly gathering that, was broken up by rubber truncheons and other weapons was a Catholic demon- stration presided over by the Vice-Chancellor, Herr von Papen.. Though all German papers were forbidden to print a word prejudicial to the Nazis (Dr. Goebbels, the Minister for Propaganda, has since uttered a menacing warning _against any hint of opposition to the ruling party) British correspondents in Germany have given vivid descriptions of the unprovoked attacks on the Catholic demonstrators. Herr Hitler, it is fair to say, has expressed strong disapproval of the affair, as well he may, for the alienation of the still poWerful Catholic Centre Party, or of the Vatican, is no part of his pro- gramme. But disapproval after the event is of small value if the Chancellor's authority is insufficient to prevent the event from taking place.
