Miliband mere
Sir: I'm surprised that Mary Wakefield (The charm of Ed Miliband', 2 June) inquired only after Miliband pere and not once about Miliband mere, a formidable woman in her own right. Ed's father Ralph was my brilliant and much-loved LSE tutor in Government. His mother, Marian Kozak, was my fellow student, a ferociously independent thinker and a great class contributor. Visiting the LSE some years after graduation, I bumped into Ralph in the foyer. 'Whatever happened to Marian Kozak?' I inquired. He flashed me a winning smile: 'Sander — I married her!' David and Ed are certainly their father's charming sons; they are also Marian's brilliant boys.
Sander Meredeen Stow on the Wold, Gloucestershire