At Holyrood Palace, on Wednesday, L the Earl of -Aline:
Blantyre were elected Representative Pee for Scotland, in late Ear/ of Airlie and Lord Colvile of Cuirass. The Duke made a short speech, and delivered a protest signed by most of the Peers present, on account of the delay of nearly five months since the Earl of Airlie's death before the new election ; an indignity to the Scottish Peer- age, which showed great negligence in some quarter. Sir Hobert Gore Booth, Baronet, has been elected, without opposition, by the county of Sligo, in the room of Mr. Ffolliott, resigned.
The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has issued a proclamation under the new Party Proceasions Act, declaring that all party processions are illegal and will be put down.
We understand that the civil Order of the Bath, but not the military, is to be extended to the distinguished officers of the medical departments of both services.---Standatyl.
The Lord Chancellor has a relapse of illness : he is again prevented from sitting in his court.