16 MARCH 1850, Page 11



The books of the Stocks whose dividends become due in April, all closed on Tuesday last. Three per Cent Consols i therefore now the only stock in which business for money is transacted. The English Funds were firm, and the tendency was upwards. Yesterday morning, when it became known that a fell of 2 per cent had occurred in the French Funds in Paris on the preceding day, on account of the triumph of the Socialist candidates in the election for that city, a complete change occurred here. There Was evidently a disposition to sell Stock : prices declined about per cent, and continued depressed to the end of the day. The intelligence from Pans this morning, bringing accounts of the success of the Moderates in several districts, and advance of more that 1 per cent in the Funds yesterday, restored Consols to their former position, closing this afternoon at 96 for Money and 96j for the April Account. The settlement of the Congo' Account occurred on Wed- nesday, but nothing worthy of notice occurred. Money was very abundant, and there was no pressure of Stock upon the market ; the large amounts which were afloat a few weeks ago having been nearly. absorbed.

The Foreign Funds generally have experienced a shock. A large failure occurred on Wednesday, by which very large quantities of almost every description of Stock current were forced upon the market. A considerable

decline consequently occurred in many of the more speculative varieties. The gloom WAS considerably increased yesterday on the receipt of the intelli- gence from Paris. This morning prices have in a great measure revived again.Peruvian Bonds have risen nearly 3 per cent from the lowest prices. The thers have not improved in so great a degree, and the range of pnces is today rather lower than the quotations of last week. Russian Four-and- half per Cent Scrip was depressed to lf premium, the lowest quotation at which it has ever stood ; and it is about 1 per cent higher today. The Russian Five per Cent Bonds have been quoted at 106, a decline of about 11 per cent. Mexican Stack has been 291, and since then 30; closing this at: ternoon at 291 f. Some progress appears to have been made in the arrange- ment of the dispute between Messrs. Schneider and Co. and the Government ; and the payment of the balance of the Coupon of January 1847 will, it is understood, ISO made in the course of next week.

The Railway Share Market has been in nearly a quiescent state ; the prices of most of the principal Shares being today nearly the same as last week. There is no indication of a revival of speculation, or general disposition for investment. A ccumiderable number of Shares were forced upon the market by the failure already noticed. It is to this circumstance, we believe, that the slight decline in some of the current varieties is mainly, to be attributed.


• The Budget has disappointed the hopes of the speculators. It was expected that a larger sum would have been applied to the reduction of the Debt, while at the same time the surplus revenue was reported to be greater than it turns out to be. C,onsoLs are consequently lower, viz: 95/. 6 for Money and 961 for Account.

Messrs. Hambro and Son have issued the prospectus of a new Danish Five per Cent Loan, which the,y have just contnieted with the Government of Denmark. The amount is 800,0001. and the price of the stook 90. The in- stalments are as follows--20 per cent on subscription, 20 per cent on the 15th April, 10 per cent on the 15th May, 10 'per cent on the 15th June, 10 per cent on the 15th July, 10 per cent on the 16th August, 10 per cent on the 14th September. The Ilist half-yearly Coupon will become due on the 2d September. This notification has caised a deeline in the price of the existing Danish Five per Cent Stock. The Bonds of this Loan were yester-

day at 95, and are today nominally about 90. .

The transactions in, Railway Shares have been confined to the following— Greet Western, 68 7; No -western, 104- , Ditto qmnirter-shares, 11, South-western, 63; North Staffordshire, 61.; South-eastern, No. 4, 5/ ; York and North Midland, 161 ex dividend ; Ditto Preference, 61. , SATURDAY Two o'CLoca.

Some large and influential sales have occurred in the course of the morn- ing, and the price of Consols has declined nearly f per cent ; the last _quo- tations being 951 for Money and 95g I for Account. In the Foreign Mar- ket, Peruvian Bonds have again fallen to the lowest recent quotation. Rus- sian Scrip has also declined, and is quoted at 1 premium; the lowest -quotation it has yet reached. Almost every description of Stock is also lower, as will be seen from the following record of business transacted. Buenos Ayres, 51 52 ; Chian Three per Cents, 53; Meitican, 29t; Peruvian, 711 2f 71 70f 71; Ditto Deferred, 281'9 26I'f ; Russian Scrip, 11 Of Of premium; Spanish Active, 16f 17; Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 88f ; Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents, 55 41-; Dutch Four per Cents, 861. The Share Market is rather heavy; the following are the principal bar- gains recorded—Aberdeen, llf ; Caledonian, 101 11; Ditto Preference, 7k ; Eastern Counties, 7 I; Ditto Preference, 11/ ; East Lancashire, 9; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 25 • Great Northern, 7f 1; Great Western, 58 7; Ditto Half-shares, 29; Lanetiater and Carlisle, 63; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 100t. paid, 40; Ditto Quarter-shares, 81. ; Ditto Fifths, f 1; London, I Brighton, and South Coast, 794 9; London and North-western, 1044 4f ; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 111; London and South-western, 63; Midland, 39 8j ; Ditto 60/. Shares, 5‘; North Staffordshire, 61 G; South-eastern and Dover, 161 16 ex div.; York; Newcastle, and Berwick, 134 f 1 ex div. ; York


and North Midland, ek div.; Ditto Preference' 61 4; Boulogne and Amiens, 64 ; Orleans and Bordeaux, 21 ; Rouen and Havre, 91; Tours and Nantes, 21 f.

3 per Cent consols • 951 a

Ditto for Account -951 1 _3 per Cent Reduced shut 34 per Cents shut - • Long Annuities shut Bank Stock ' shut - Exchequer Bills ' 50 61' .

• India Stock shut

Brazilian 5 per Cents 27 89 Belgian 4i per,Cents • •

Chilian 6 per Cents 100• 2 Danish 5 per Cents — Danish 3 per, Cents 69 71 Dutch 21 per Cents 541 55

Ditto 4 per cents 86 1

Mexican .5 per Cents 1846 29a a --Penivian 6 per Cents 701 11 • Portuguese 4'per Cents 1842 34 5

• ' Portttgliese 5 per Cents 1824 84 6

Russian 5 per.Cents • 105 107 Spapish (Active) 5 per Cents 161 17 Ditto 8 per Cents 1842 36 1 Venezuela 32 4