16 MARCH 1850, Page 19


OPFICF. or ORDNANCE, March 11.—Royal Regt. of Artillery—See. Capt. A. T. Phin- potts to be Capt. vice De Winton, retired upon half-pay ; First Lieut. J. D. Shake- spear to be Sec. Capt. vice Phillpotts ; Sec. Lieut. R. H. Champion to be First Lieut. vice Shakespear.

WAW-OFFICE, March 15.—lst Regt. of Life Guards—F. G. Hare. Gent. to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Sir W. A. Fraser, Bart. promoted. Royal Regt. of

Horse Guards—The Hon. J. B. J. Dormer to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Lord Ribblesdale, who retires. lit Drag. Guards—A. R. G. Evered, Gent to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Birt, prom. 5th Drag. Guards—H. H. M'Neile, Gent, tote Cornet, by purchase, vice Inglis, promoted ; Staff-Surg. of the Second Class G. K. Pitcairn, M.D. to be Surg. vice J. Barlow, who retires upon half-pay. 4th Light Drags.- Capt. J. T. D. Halkett to be Major, by purchase, vice Pane, who returns ; Lieut. C. B. Molyneux tote Capt. by purchase, vice Halkett; Cornet C. Brandreth to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Molyneux. 8th Light Drags.—J. C. H. Fitzgibbon, Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Clutterbuck, promoted. 9th Light Drags.—J. G. Willis, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Scott, promoted. 14th Light Drags.—E. Ford,'

Gent, to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Dudgeon, promoted. 17th Light Drags.— Lieutenant Richard Douglas Hay Lane to be Captain, by purchase, vice

Fleming, who retires ; Cornet A. F. C. Webb to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Lane. 1st or Grenadier Regt. of Foot Guards—J. Murray, Gent. to be Ensign and Lieut. by purchase, vice Hotham, promoted. let Foot—M. A. H. Legge, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Pugh, promoted. 2d Foot—Lieut. R. Inglis to be Capt. by pur- chase, vice Lord Cochrane, who retires ; Ensign J. H. Rocke to be Lieut. by pur- chase, vice Inglis ; Lord C. E. Hay to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Rocke. 4th

Foot—Lieut. S. B. M. Skinner, from 9th Foot, tote Lieut. vice Morgan,who exchanges.

9th Foot—Lieut. G. A. Morgan, from the 4th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Skinner, who ex- changes. 14th Foot—Lieut. G. S. Tyler, from the 3d West India Regt. to be Lieut. vice Slater, who exchanges ; W. Heywood, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Hawley, promoted. 15th Foot—G. F. Christie, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Tulle, promoted. 18th Foot—Lieut.-Gen. Sir J. F. Fitzgerald, K.C.B. from the 6241 Foot, to be Cot vice Gen. Lord Aylmer, G.C.B. dec. 21st Foot—Lieut. W.F.. Ring to be Capt. without purchase, vice Brevet Major Mackey, who retires upon full-pay as Capt.; Edwin Ashley Tucker Stewart, Gent. to beSec. Lieut. by purchase. 25th Foot—Ensign W. H. Newenham to be LieuL by purchase, vice Taylor, who re- tires ; Ensign J. O'Hea, from the 34th Foot, to be Ensign, vice Newenham. 26th Foot—Capt. W. H. Hussey, from the 67th Foot, to be Capt. vice B. G. Layard, who retires upon half-pay 67th Foot ; Ensign C. Lord Lurgan, from the 16th Foot, to be

Ensign: vice Thislethwayte, who retires. 355 Foot—E. de Lothbiniere Joly, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Lawrence, promoted. 34th Foot—W. H. Tremlow,

Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Probyn, promoted. 41st Foot—F. C. Bligh,

Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Bertram, promoted ; H. S. Bush, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Pierce, who retires. 56th Foot—Acting Assist.-Surg. W.

L. Cashel to be Assist-Surg. vice May, who resigns. 58th Foot—Lieut. J. A. C. Pet-

ley to be Capt. by purchase, Tice Brevet Major Matson, who retires ; Ensign G. J. Wynyard to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Paley. 62d Foot—Major-Gen. J. Per- meson, C.B. to be Cot. vice Lieut.-Gen. Sir .1. F. Fitzgerald, appointed to 18th Foot. 75th Foot—Assist-Surg. J. S. Willes. M.D. from the 88th Foot, to be Assist.-Surg. vice Martin, dec. 87th Foot—E. B. Prestcott, Gent, to be Second Lieut. by pox. vice Gibson, promoted. 88th Foot—Acting Assist.-Surg. J. Irvine, M.D. to be Aa. sist.-surg. vice Willes. appointed to the 75th Foot. 91st Foot—W. B. Battiscornba, Gent, to be Ensign, by put. rice Saunders, superseded ; G. Spaight, Gent, to be En- sign, by pur. vice S'Argent, appointed to the 51st Foot. 96th Foot—G. A. Warbur- ton, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchaae, vice Moffat, promoted.

lat West India Regt--W. B. Bower, Gent. to be Ensign, by purchase, vice 51•Namee, appointed to 8th Foot. 3d West India Regt—Lient- G. Slater, from the 14th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Tyler, who exchanges.

Hospital Staff—Sur". E. J. Burton, M.D. from the 5th Foot, to be Staff-Stag. of the Second Class, vice Pitcairn, appointed to the 5th Drag. Guards ; Staff-Assist.- Surg. T. Kehoe, M.D. to be Staff-Surg. of the Second Class, vice R. W. Fraser, who retires upon half-pay.