16 MARCH 1850, Page 20


Tuesday, March 12, PAIFINElisiUre DisSOLvED.-May and Turner, Twickenham, farmers-Toft and Heath, Tunstall, engravers-Probert and Vincent; Davies Street, Berkeley Square, carpenters-Lloyd and Jones, Carmarthen, -attomtes-G. and W. Lawford, Queen- hithe Wharf, coal-merchants--.M. and W. Reader, Ilarbury, Warwickshire, grocers-- North Bitchburn Coal Company; as far as regards IL Thomson-Fedley and Co. London, wool-merchants-Dyson and Co. Huddersfield, wool-marclianta t as *far as regards P. Moore-Ewin and Horn, High Street, Islington, upholsterers-J. C. and A. W. Edmiston-Kirkpatrick and Cornell, High Street, Kewington, linendmpers-W. and J. Longshaw, Manchester, cotton=spinners-Pask and King, Newmarket, drapers .-Smith and Co. Bedford Street, Covent Garden,: seeindhand-booksellers.-Godrich and Son, Wickham, Hampshire, millers-Brooke and SaP, Huddersfield, woollen-yarn- manufacturers-Heap and Playford, Lothbury-Harison and Leigh, Manchester, ironmongers-Smith and Taylor,- Bury, curriera-Mitchell and Sons, Leeds, cloth- merchants-Graham and Clemitson, Carlisle, linendrapers-Cooper and Williams. Chester, timber-merchants-Muirhead'and Co. Glasgow. merchants-North British Bank, Glasgow ; as far as regards A. Sim-Bayley, Brothers, King Street, Clerken- well, whitesmiths. • Bstaaurrs.-Geonoe FREDERICK QARDENER, Rayleigh, grocer, to surrender March 21, April 26: solicitor, Chitiley, Guildhall Chambers, BasinghallStreet ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Stivetz-Tnowas Wmmeme,, Epsora, draper, March 22, April 21: solicitors, Sole and 'Turner, Aldermanbury ; official assignee. Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-SAsmex. PARNUOVSE, Cambridge, maker of cattle medicines, March 22, April 16 : solicitor, 0tretton, Southamptonllnildings official assignee, Groom, Ab- church Lane-Wituan Saussga.ga. ItUgelgy, 'Milder, March 20, April 19: solicitors. Salt,Rugeley; Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; officialassignee, Yelps, Birmingham- James Ileancasme, -Manchester, tavern-keeper, March 25, April 17: solicitors, Chapman and Roberts, Milichedter; official'aisignee; Fraser, Manchester-Jsams Simpson HOLMES, Liverpos91, ntierchast,,Mpreh 2, A_pTil 17: solicitors Fletcher and Hull, Liverpool: .official assignee, Morgan, LiverpOOL: , • •

Divimenn.-April 4, Muekleston jun. Shrewsbury, grocer.

Ceirriricares.-To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of numting.-April 12, Barnard, Midhurst, uphohterer=April 6, Davies,. Bromley, Middlesex, builder-April 6, Bremer, Mark Lane, merchant-April 4, Muckleston jun. Shrewsbury. grocer-March 21, Wilson, West Bromwich, draper.

DEOLARATIGIS OF Divrnewm-Paterson and Waiker,Kin,„.sainford, ironfounders; first div. of 208. March /4; or any rathsequent Thursday (except the 28th inst.) ; Valpy, Birrainghani.•

Scurcrt SencesrasTioes.-3P1ntyre, GlaiHrow, eiMlinission-merchant, March 15, April 6-Peat, Arbroath, merchant, March 18, Aprill8-Weir, Cumuock, Ayrshire, farmer, March 18, April 5.

Friday, March 15.

Pawrionisnms DISSOLVF.D.-T. and J. 111`Glasson, Embleton, Cumberland, timber- merchants-Royston and Walker, . Huddersfield, joiners-Carpenter and Sons, Greenwhich, bootmakera7-Molyneux stud . Pullen, Ryde, Isle of Wight, ale-mer- chants-Jones and Co. London, insurance-brokers; as far regards It. R. Swann- Smith and Carter, Finsbury Pavement, -.ironmongers-The Bissoe Tin Smelting Company ; as far as regards F. A. and T. T. Clint-Dickson and Elimore. New- castle-under-Lyme, mercers-J. and R. Crossly. Manchester, heald-knitters-tipton and Sons, Birkenhead, carters-Metropolitan Light qmpany, West Strand, lamp- manufacturers-Bettelheim and Schwabacher, Fendb ch Street, general merchants -Greaies and Son. Sheffield, merchants ; as far as regards Av. Taylor, 'W. Mettam, and B. J. Eyre-Othen- and Cox, Godalming, builders-Whittid and Co. Liverpool .11L`Turk and M'Kinnel, Sheffield, drapers-Boardinan and Sons, Blackburn, painters-Cresshull and Mallen, teachers of gymastics-Shave and Silcock, Braintree, ironmongers-Hoole and Co. Sheffield, merchants; as far as regards J. Gray-J. and J. J. Heighington. Cornwall Road, lightermen-Wickhiun and Co. Winchester, bank- ers; as far as regards R. Jessett-Mitchell and Co. Wigton, tile-burners-Melson and Veevers, Liverpool, stationers-..Webb and Miller, Rugeley, Staffordshire, surgeons.

Beintansts.--Jonic 11.GuTTE, New Road, Whitechapel, draper, to surrender March 26, April 26: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street ; official assignee, Cannan, Bir- chin Lane-Gm:mute Partme, Langmere, Norfolk;-eittle-dealer, March 27, April 26: solicitor, Jerwood, Ely,Placit ; offline' afieigneeeSlansfild, Basinghall Street=Bmr.m- mot Sum, Threadneedle Street, copper-smelter, Mao 25, May .2: solicitors, Crowder and Maynard, Coleman Street ; official assignee, 'Whit ore, Baianghall Street-James I-IARDIUDGE, Islip, Oxfordshire, miller, March 23, April 27: solicitors, Berry, South- ampton Buildings ; Bruce, Oxford; official assignee; Pennell, Guildhall Chambers- Marrnew Barret, KintlituT, Berkshire, sheep-dealer, March 26, April 25: solicitor, Parker, St. raid's Churchyard ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings- Tumuli GARRICIT, Stowmarket, Suffolk, coachmaker, March 28, April 25: solicitor, Galsworthy, Ipswich; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Perm FIELDING, Rhyl,- Flintshir. hotelkeeper, -March 22, May 2: solicitors, Evans and Son, Liverpool.' official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-Siamee num, Leeds, linendra- Per, March 26, April 16 solicitor, Middleton, Leeds ; official assignee, Hope, Leeds.

DIVEDEND8.-April 9, Coomber, Walton-oh-Thames, victualler-April 13, Red- ward, Portsea• fishmonger-April 6, Cleave, Rettendon, Essex, cowkeeper-April 6, Stapleton and Thorn, Whitefnars. scavengers-AM 8, Patnden, Oxford, woollen- draper-April 12, Davenport, Little Love Lane. hosier-Apia 12, Ainger, Green Street, Grosvenor Square, hotelkeeper-April 12, Fisher, Regent Street, chinaman- April 16, Mittman, Harley. Street, Cavendish Square, wine-Merchant-April '11, Bowler, Crescent, Southwark Midge .1104,, hat-manafacturei-;..Afril -Id,. Hunter, King William Street, merchant-April 12, Daniels, Alexander Square, Brompton, merchant-April 16, Harvey, .King William Street, Itunp-manufacturer-April 20, J. and J. Morgan, Hereford, woolstaplers-April 6, Morgan jun. Hereford, wool- stapler-April 12, Buchanan, Dursley, money-scrivener-Aliril 15, Warren, Bristol, merchant-April 19,- Burgess, Liverpool. merchant-Apni 12, klachell. Liverpool, merchant-April 8, Green, Liverpool, ironinonger-April 8, Green, Liverpool, %vine- merchant-April 8, Clegg, Royton, Lancashire, cotton-spinner.

CERTIFIOATES.-0, be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of nweting.-April 5, Dixon, -Gmvesend, oilman-April 8, Reynolds jun. Gorleston, Suffolk, miller-April 0, Milts; Hove, Sussex, broker-April 6, King, Oxford, auc- tioneer-April 17. E. and .1. Wilcox, Aberdare grocers--April 11, Freeman, Mill- bank, Worcestershire, horieKlealer-Apra 11, Hilton,, Foleshill, silk-manufacturer -April 15, Dobbs, Wolverhampton, brassdounder-April 9, Clegg, Rovton, Lanca- shire, cotton-spinner-April 9, rattling, Holyhead, hotelkeeper-April 12, Puleston Virrexharn, draper.

. DECLAIRATICN8 OE Divinenns.-Knott, Leicester, boot-manufacturer ; first div. of 28. March 10, or any subsequent alternate Saturday; Ifittleston, Nottingham-Tabor and Clarke, Nottingham, lace-mannfacturers ; first div. of 2s. 401. March 16, or any subsequent alternate Saturday; Bittleston, Nottingharn-Shotiler, Leicester, draper ; first thy. of Hid. March 16, or any subsequent alternate Saturday ; Bittleston, Not- tingham-Groocock, Leicester, butter; first div. of la. 6d. March 16, or any subse- quent alternate Saturday ; Bittleston, Nottinghait -Flear, Farndon, miller ; first div. of 2s. 9d. March 10, or any subsequent alternate Saturday; Bittleston, Nottingham- S. and T. Ross, Leicester, hosiers; second div, of id. any Thursday; Christie, Bir- iningham-Ilardley, Manchester, tailor; first div. of O. Tid. any Tuesday ; Hobson. Manchester-Reed, North Shields, banker ; first and final div, of 44d. March 16, or any subsequent Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne-Stoekdale, Liverpool, soap-manufacturer ; second div. of la. Oid. and first div. of 5s. 8d. on new proofs, March 20, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Morgan, Liverpool-Tarleton, Liverpool, merchant ; fourteenth div. of 6d. March 21, or any Subsequent Thursday ; Turner, Liverpool-Butler, Liverpool, coal-merchant ; first div. of 3s. March 21, or any sub- sequent Thursday ; Turner, Liverpool-Slater, Marton, Cheshire, banker; div. of • March-21, or any subsequent Thursday; Turner, Liverpool-Womersley, Clay-

ton, Yorkshire, delver; first div. of Is. 9d. any Tuesday ; Hope, Leeds-Forth, Manor House, Dewsbury, cotton-spinner ; first div. of 3d. any Tuesday; Hope, Leeds-Dunn and Son, Wakefield, corn-factors ; first, second, Mad, and fourth diva. of 3s. lid., also a final div. of lid. any Tuesday ; Hope, Leeds-Brower, Manchester, wood-tip- hat-manufacturer ; first div. of 2d. March 19, or any subsequent Tuesday; POtt, Manchester-Paterson, Manchester, tailor; first div. of 88. March 19, or any subse- quent Tuesday; Poll, Manchester-Archer, Clare Street, baker ; first div. of 2s. 51d. any Wednesday; Whitmore, Basinghall Street-Benton, Tottenham Court Road, pawnbroker; second div. of Is. 3d. any Wednesday ; Whitmore, Basinghall Street,

Barren SEQUESTRATIONs.-Ileilly, Coatbridge, innkeeper, March 20, April 10-Hill- and Johnstone, Glasgow, grain-merchants, March 22, April 12-Macmillanjun. Edin- burgh, fiesher, March 22, April 15-Baird, Paisley, gram-dealer, March 22, April 11.