t4t Court.
Tun Queen held a Privy Council and a Court at Buckingham Palace on Monday.
At the Privy Council, her Majesty's approval was given to the report of the Judicial Committee on the appeal Gorham versus the Bishop of Exeter, from the Court of Arches ; and some corrections of names were made in the list of Sheriffs. Before the Council, the Marquis of Lans- downe had an audience; after it, Lord John Russell and Lord Foley had audiences.
At the Court, three distinguished foreigners had audiences,—Mehemed Pasha, the Turkish Ambassador' to deliver a letter from the Sultan; Le Commandeur Marques Lisboa, the Brazilian Minister, to take leave on temporary absence and M. Marcoleta, his first audience, to present credentials on a special mission from the Republic of Nicaragua.
The Queen gave dinner-parties on Saturday, Tuesday, and Thursday. The American Minister and Mrs. Lawrence, the Bishop of London, Vis- count Palmerston, Mr. Fox Malik, Mr. Goulburn, and Mr. Pusey, have had invitations to her Majesty's table. The Queen and Prince Albert, with the Prince of Wales, the Princes! Royal, and Princess Alice, visited the New Palace at Westminster yea, terday afternoon ; viewed the frescoes, and surveyed the general progress of the building. The Queen and Prince Albert went to the Haymarket Theatre on Moat- day and to the French Opera on Wednesday. The Dutehess of Kent came to town from Frogmore on Thursday.
The Dutchess of Cambridge, the Princess Mary, and Prince Frederick of Hesse' were at the Lyceum Theatre together on Saturday evening.
The Dutehess of Cambridge left town yesterday, on a visit to the Dub of Rutland, at Belvoir Castle.