The Government announcement of an intention. to abolish the Vice- regal office in Ireland appears to have excited leas opposition, even in, than.was, expected; while almost uniformly in the provinces the Project is deemed a great improvement. The Freeman's Journal fuer' tests.against the extinction of the Viceregal Court ; and the Mercantile .41if- tAfiser,..,whick seldom enters on political discussion, declares that the at- - ptvould he the climes of the Anti-Irish. system and the centralization wluei have ter Years fostered discontent even.athongst the steadiest friends. ofsIitatsals eomesrsest, T "'ration is emphatic in its denunciation of the doom' thus,p e 'elancl.,,The Evening' Mail claims compensation. in yearly visits the uemi. Sdiadirie Newskttcr gives a programme. of the arras! j14949!1. -
arus ngement is to create a Secretary of State for Ire-
land with 'i , . Cabinet, and to transfer to him, by act of Parliaments such of the'eptlitaY6 rights as are at present vested in the Lord Lieutenant. The prerogifairdrights Will go to the 'Queen. This Secretary for Ireland will have a Paidithientary Under-Seer:awls and:an-office establishment, uniting the Chief Secretary's Office fa iDubliartastle with the Irish Office in London. By the constant resi1enceAkondop of the , Secretary for Ireland, Irish Mem- bers of Parliament will Ism Government of Ireland always on the spot, without 'dropping in. ," 'Lush Office, or going to the Home Office, on Writing over toa Lord'Llententint of Ireland, • as at present." The idicilition " pi to take place," says the Newsletter, "before! the
The, :next
36Milftla, which are almost unanimous in ap- proving of the measure, the Northern Ifleig of Belfast stands prominent hi- declaring,* satisfitotinneatt the •prospect r.of Ireland's being "raised from provincial degradation tosIamerialdignity—from the rank of Canada, the Cape, NeSE -Zealand, or Heligolarul, with its particular Governor—to the enviable position of heing,part • and parcel of the empire." The Dowtzpattielc Rocorder statesthatsthe Itibandinen of that district are making ktostigeppplomip.ifgort'display of physical force OR St. Patrick's Day ; ands sfipernattcl, t.' thee satisfaction for their defeat at Dolly's- Brae. Troops-haVe 'been Seat .'froni. Dublin to assist in preventing a re- newal of f9ring topueL _ „ The ,Z • • , kr describes au outrageous act of forcible ejection perfumed hys r 3ivan, of Glen Bevan, with fifty or sixty assistants, a one Fi4fierelds ltjt ant of twenty acres, near CDs*. Fitzgerald had been dispruesseds, an enSiltad *11,reActu,ii0gcl by Mr. Bevan's steward; Mr.
$ov,an,cleinaCt • had, berm, authorized by him, and pro-
ceeded to , eseetrett,i eralds.fought for their rights, and
were only ej wbfinono of tlgni Isd been struck to the earth with his
skull fraotored brep pliteo,pr, policemen who chanced to be near the spoii an. nnts 10 -the ere nal arrested four of the Bevan p
whose, v?,o,qa. r..Lyous and Mr. It. Maxwell res (nfcrmatiqsi,a4n4 tcsu prisoners, though, they took informations against the JFits mild, mthsequently took the rejected informs: lions, and issued Et/mummies. for a further inquiry.