It appears to be believed in Italy as well as
in England that matters are going very badly in Spain. Indeed, the departure, or rather expulsion, of King Arnadeo is looked upon as certain, and intrigues are on foot for filling up the throne, which would then be vacant. The cause of all this appears to be that the different factions of the Liberals have united against the King, whom they accuse of leaning towards the Conservatives, and are threatening the Conservatives, who have also united under Sagasta, with defeat at the polls or another insurrection. All the stories are probably exaggerated, but three facts may, we believe, be taken as nearly certain. The Italian Cabinet has begun to doubt of Amadeo's final success ; the friends of the King in Madrid are seriously alarmed, and are threatening severe measures of repres- sion; and the Press of both parties has suddenly adopted that tone of ferocious hatred which in Spain indicates that debate is over, and an appeal to physical force immediately at hand. We should say that physical force would decide in favour of the monarch, but this is not the opinion of many who know Spanish politics well.