The enemy, for his part, has been equally active in
the air. He made a raid on London on Thursday week, favoured by a brilliant display of the Aurora Borealis in a moonless sky. Two machines dropped bombs, killing twenty persons and wounding forty-five. On Friday week, and again on Monday, numerous enemy aeroplanes attacked Paris. In Friday week's raid thirteen persons were killed and fifty injured ; in Monday's raid thirty-four were killed and seventy-nine injured, while sixty-six persons were crushed to death in a panic at a tube station. Two of Friday week's raiders and four of Monday's were brought down. An enemy airship from the Adriatic dropped bombs on Naples on Monday, killing sixteen people and wounding forty ; an orphanage and two churches were demolished. On Tuesday evening three Zeppelins crossed the Yorkshire coast. One of them dropped bombs on Hull, causing the death of a woman. The others bombed the open countryside. On Wednesday night one Zeppelin dropped bombs on Hartlepool, killing five persons and wounding nine.