[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Snt,—In view of the growing demand that more land should be put under potato cultivation, those of your readers who are not experts in the matter may be interested to gather, from the following small example, some idea of the necessary proportion 'of acreage to population. There are two of us in our family. Last year on our allotment in suburban London we put twenty-five yards by eight under potatoes—King Edward, Up-to-Date, and Duke of York. The yield from this patch will last us till the new harvest, and has provided more than sufficient seed for this year's crop. I should point out that in ordinary circumstances the yield from a patch of this size would be more than enough for two people, for we make a special demand on potatoes for food. We never eat meat, and potatoes always form part of our chief meal, and are often the principal dish.—I am, Sir, &c., G. E. A.