16 MARCH 1918, Page 16

READABLE NOVELS.—The Toll of the Road. By Marion Hill. (John

Long. 6s.)—An American theatrical novel. The struggle between the attractions of the footlights and those of domestic life in the mind of the heroine is cleverly described.—The Amaranth Club. By J. S. Fletcher. (Ward, Lock, and Co. Gs.)—A melo- dramatic and semi-political story of German secret service before the war. The plot is well managed and its development exciting. —Lady Mary's Money. By G. B. Burgin. (Hutchinson and Co. 6s. net.)—A novel belonging to the " country house " school and dealing both with love affairs and money matters. The villain is so unscrupulous that ho is wasted on so small a stage and deserves more scope for his machinations. - • Singing Sands; an I:; (code. By C. Fox Smith. London: Hodder and toughton. [5E. net.;