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The Eton Review, issued by the newly founded Eton Political Society (Eton College : Spottiswoode, Ballantyne, and Co. ; ls.), has made a capital beginning, and, like the Repton School journal which war started last year, shows that the higher forms in our Public Schools are taking an active and intelligent interest in the vast problems that confront us all. As the older boys, instead of going to the .Universities, pass straight into the Army, the study of politics in the wider sense at school is highly desirable. We have been much impressed with the careful and impartial articles on " The War Aims of the World," with a tabular analysis of the rival statements ; on " The Second Chamber " ; on " The Party System," and other current topics. Both the authors and their readers will profit by these well-written papers. The journal contains some pleasant verse, an article on education by Lord Haldane, and a mildly humorous article by Mr. Bernard Shaw denouncing the Etonian uniform, to confirm the editor's assertion that the pages of the Review will be open to all corners, whatever their views may be.