16 MARCH 1918, Page 1

Mr. Lloyd George, addressing the National Free Church Council on

Wednesday, warned his fellow-Nonconformists not to mistake phrases for facts. He had often spoken about the League of Nations ; if he did not say more, it was because the Bolsheviks had taught us that a real League of Nations did not come by talking about it. No man had talked more eloquently than the German Emperor, while he was annexing Russian lands. He even offered to head the League. " It .was then that you found the spirit of dominance still there—the dagger wrapped in the Sermon on the Mount." The Allied armies were the true apostles of the League of Nations. If they failed, all leagues would be shams. " You cannot wage half a war," said Mr. Lloyd George ; " you must give the whole of your strength or not at all." Such speeches from the Prime Minister hearten the people who are perplexed with sophistries. He cannot too often enforce the truth that the one and only road to an enduring peace lies through an Allied victory.