One German journalist, Herr Max Cohen, writing in the Vossiache
Zeitung—which is very far from being a Socialist journal—has had the courage and wisdom to point out that the Gerinan Government have made a fatal error in imposing a German peace on Russia. " This treaty must for years beyond count thrust Russia into the ranks of our bitterest foes. . . . This peace, which to many seems so brilliant, can only be an armistice followed by colossal military measures for recovering lost possessions or for retaining the posses- sions won." Herr Cohen thinks that German militarism, by making an irreparable breach between Germany and the true Russia, has given new life to " England's tottering supremacy." It has, we should rather say, 'strengthened the purpose of the Allies by giving them an object-lesson in the real aims of the German military party, such as none could misread. It has silenced the few who still babbled of the green fields of peace by negotiation, and has convinced every one that the German military power, as a per- petual menace to liberty, must be destroyed.