The German Emperor, who, as the Pacificists forget, is the
sole ruler of Germany, has unveiled his real intentions in one of many flamboyant messages on the -Russian peace. " Our victory in the East," he wrote to the President of the Prussian Lower House, " is one of the greatest successes in the world's history. That, as far as human judgment can foretell, the Germanization of the Baltic lands is now made secure for all time is a great joy and satisfaction to me." All the pious phrases used at Brest-Litovsk about the right of self-determination of the Baltic peoples, by which -the Bolsheviks and their foolish admirers were deluded, are now seen to be mere camouflage. Germany means, if she can, to convert all the Poles, Letts, Esthonians, Lithuanians, Finns, and others into dutiful Germans, whether they like it or not. Any one but a Bolshevik might have foreseen this, but the German Emperor has now put his policy on record. The Germanophiles in Sweden must now see that they put their money on the wrong horse.