The position of Rumania Mr. Bonar Law described as little
less than tragic. Of our success in Palestine the country had every reason to be proud ; and the Germans, who had promised Mesopo- tamia to Turkey, have had to abandon their operations directed to that end. Through these two " side-shows," we have made Egypt safe. Owing to the Russian failure, our troops are engaged in no theatre where the situation is so unsatisfactory from so many points of view as it is in Salonika. The troops there are tied down to the defensive, and can get little relief by way of leave. Their moral is good, and General Guillamant is getting the best results from s force of four or five nationalities ; but we must recognize that " the position there is one that might become very dangerous." Germany, however, cannot strike everywhere at once. Surveying the whole war theatre, Mr. `Sonar Law assured the House deliber- ately " that there is no doubt whatever that the Allies, if they hold together, can secure the result which we set out to achieve when the war began." Mr. Bonar Law sets other -Ministers an excellent example of candour and courage.