The Melehett-Turner Report on unemployment (for which Mr. Ben Tillett
was chiefly responsible on the Labour side). finds that there is no single solution of the problem, but that the results of unemployment- are :so serious that every possible palliative should be applied as soon as possible. The recommendations in brief are that there should be an emigration:progranune extending over twenty years ; that there should be augmented pensions at the age of sixty-five which would encourage workers to retire and... make. room for .younger men ; that- Rationalization -should be pressed forward ; that a Crown Colonies. Committee should be formed for placing orders for plant in- Great Britain ; that the Government should start a Development Fund for financing schemes, .national.. importance ; that firms should, wherever possible, set up a Labour ,1Rese y ', Fund to assist workers displaced in the early stages of Rationalization and that serious consideration should be given to raising the age for leaving school.
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