16 MARCH 1929, Page 15

Letters to

the Editor IN DEFENCE • OF. THE .FAITH - [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] - sw,—Your correspondent, " Truth-seeker," is right in drawing attention to the lack of " spiritual discernment " in the Church: Throughout the controversies over the prayer-Book, one hits been struck by the fact that every question has been settled critically and intellectually, as it were, by -reference* to the past, instead of spiritually; by ascertaining what is the will of God for us norv. So long as the Church looks backward instead of forward, wasting her time in controversies- over minute points-- of- doctrine and observance, she cannot regain her influence over the men and women of to-day. There is-ample evidence that in the Early Church " Seers " were attaehed to *the congregations, who spoke through the spirit; " bringing to light for the general advantage the hidden 'things Of man, and setting forth the mysteries of God " (Irenaeris). Birt as faith decayed the prophet was supplanted by the priest, and the gift of prophecy has since that time been neglected and despised. It is, however, not extinct, and our Lord still speaks to those who have ears to hear, and very specially so at this time, when He is, in fact, nearer to us—in some mysterious way more inti- mately with us—than He has been since His Incarnation. It is indeed lamentable that the Church has so cut herself off from fresh revelation and inspiration that she cannot hear, or hearing recognize, the Voice of the Living Christ.-1 am,