[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
beg your indulgence in allowing me a small space in your valuable and far-reaching Spectator to acknowledge the great amount of good both in finance (centrally) and the liberal supply of literature sent towards our local Library at Cwmaman.
The recent appeal of our respected Librarian, Mr. James Ray, has been magnificently responded to—even as far afield as North and South America, for which the Cwmaman Public Hall and Library Management Committee are indeed deeply grateful to all concerned.
On February 27th last at our Ordinary Committee, Mr. R. J. Ace, M.E., presiding, a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Spectator and the various donors for their valuable gifts of books, in order to augment our Library.
As the result of unemployment at the collieries we have even .had to consider the advisability of closing its doors, but, thanks to the untiring efforts of the committee and officials, together with the timely aforementioned aid, these extreme measures were avoided. With renewed thanks on behalf of the Institute and locality.—I am, Sir, &c.,
Crewman, Aberdare, South Wales.