A Library List
REFERENCE Booms :—The British Press. Edited by H. Tracey. (Europa Publishing Co. 3s. 6d.)— Register of Admissions to King's College, Cambridge, 1797-1925. By J. J. Withers. (J. Murray. 15s.) — Parker's Election Agent and Returning Officer. 4th edition. (C. Knight. £3 3s.)—Every Day in 1115 Garden. By F. H. Farthing. (Knopf. 7s. ad.)— Europa Year Book, 1929. Edited by M. Farbmall- (Europa Publishing Co. 21s.)—The - Public School _ year Book, .1929. (Deane. 10s. fld.) MiseELLArrEous :—Twenty-five Years of Flying. By H. - Harper. (Hutchinson. 12s. ad.)--The Re-DiscocerY of America. By W. Frank. , (Scribner. _ 12s. 6d.)—
Bangkok : Its Life and Sport. By Lt.-Col. C. H. Forty. - - - -
(Witherby. 10S. 6d.)-The Book of Proverbs. By W. 0. E. Oesterley. (Methuen. ' 18s.)-An Examen of Witches. By H. Boguet. (J. Rodker. 25s.) A Century of Exploration at Nineveh. By R. C. Thompson and R. W. Hutchinson. (Luzae. 78. 6d.)-Modern Athletics. By G. M. Butler. (Cambridge University Press. 12s. 611.) °Guerin:Es :-The Diary of a Rum-Runner. By A. Moray. (Allen. 10s. fid.) Memoirs of Leonora Christina. Translated by F. E. Emmett. (ROutledge. 12s. 6d.)- Abraham Lincoln. By C. Sandburg. (Cape. 21s.)- Letters of Richard Pox. (Oxford- University Press. 15s.) -Memoirs of Captain Carleton. Edited by C. H. Hartmann. (Routledge. 10s. 6d.) RY :-The Lives of the Popes in the Middle Ages. By The Rt. Rev. Monsignor H. K. Mann. (Kegan Paul. 15x4-English Thought in the Nineteenth Century. By D. C. Somervell. (Methuen. 6s.)-The Chronicles of the East, India Company Trading to China, 1635-1834. By H. B. Morse. (Oxford University Press. 15s.)-- The History of Christianity in the Light of Modern Know- ledge. (Blackie. 25s.) TERARY :-Three Plays. By N. Rowe. (Seholartis Press. 15s.)-The History of the English Novel. By E. A. Baker. (Witherby. 16s.)-English Comic Drama, 1700-1750. By F. W. Bateson. (Oxford University Press. 7s. 6d.)