As for continental holidays, such a wide scope is offered
t it would be impossible in the space of a few notes to put orward many suggestions. One of the more unique forms is rthy of special mention, however. This is the " Motorways" ur. " See Europe from an armchair," is a very explicit logan, for that is exactly what you do if you take this kind of ur. There is quite a variety of tours from which you may , and they cover varying periods. All that is necessary the intending visitor is to book his ticket, jump into his Motorways" coach in London, and thence be wafted away to e Continent and return, when all is over, in the same vehicle. e tedium of travel is, thereby, reduced to a minimum, hotel
mmodation being provided for in the cost of the ticket. service of a similar type is offered by the French Line for vet in North Africa. This company, which runs steamers African ports has arranged a series of motor tours (by coach private ear) from Tangier, Algiers, and Tunis to the edge of
Sahara. Forty-two hotels have been built over the us routes to accommodate visitors taking this form of liday, and as in the case of " Motorways " one's individual ngements are immensely simplified.