It is, after all, a cheap and simple matter to
secure even the ost detailed information of English resorts and for these fifties we are largely indebted to our railway companies. een them these institutions have laid the whole of the ritish Isles at our feet in the shape of guide books, which st only g few pence each, where they are charged for at all. e, for example, a copy of this year's " Holiday Haunts "- neatly compiled reference to the West and South-West of land. The volume consists of some hundreds of pages evoted to descriptions of resorts, including lists of places orth visiting, climatic records, hotel accommodation, and so n. Beautiful illustrations are given of almost every town d village in this area. Other railway companies publish ks of a similar nature and where not obtainable from book- , they can be had on application to their respective blicity Departments.
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