_Without going into the merits of this partie example furnished by the General Electric Company I would like to draw attention to the fact that just America's great prosperity has frequently been exemp fled in her acquirement of some of our greatest treasures, so latterly. it has been a case of her -acq control either of certain industrial concerns in t country, or of industrial concerns in other_ countn but where the control previously had been in Bri hands. It is a development which gives room for thought; especially having regard to the magnitude of Amen resources. Many years ago it was sometimes said b way of joke that the Yankee would like nothing bet then to buy up the little island of Britain and run it from New York. There are some things which are sometimes. said in joke but which can Collie to be fraught with a more serious meaning ! I am aware that only recently in the columns of the Spectator I dwelt upon quite anotha aspect of American prosperity, . and showed: that by reason of high money rates . in New York America it drawing capital from- other centres, I have also spoken of that drawing power as a menace to the general financW situation in Europe and to our own gold reserves monetary prospects. Indeed, at this very moment fears of a higher Bank Rate here are based almost entirely; upon this particular aspect of American finance.