At the recent meeting of shareholders of the Underground Electric Railways Company of London, Lord Ashfield made some further interesting comments both as regards the fmavees of the undertaking and as regards some of the traffic problems of London. As regards the former, it may be well to make it clear to those who are not familiar with the fmances of the Underground group that the company which held its meeting last week, the Underground Electric Railways of London, is a " holding " company concerned in a number of the tube and 'bus enterprises, and it is this group, in particular, which has been responsible for the organization of the general underground traffic of London, and which, under the guidance of Lord Ashfield, has accomplished wonderful results. For many years, however, it is the travelling public rather than the shareholders who have obtained the benefits, the ordinary shareholders having for a long period received no return on their capital whatever. Now, however, patience on the part of the shareholders and effort and perseverance on the part of the directorate, is achieving moderate financial results.
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